Gollum is driving me crazy!


New member
Jul 18, 2015
Saratoga Springs NY
Gollum - Senegal
Hatch Day- 5/8/15 &

Dobby- Indian Ringneck
Hatch Day- 7/16/15
Gollum has her new flight feathers and she loves showing off. However, this means poor innocent little Dobby (who is clipped pretty short) gets tormented. I have 2 stands in each room of the house... on opposite sides of the room to keep Gollum from being a birdie bully to Dobby. (If they are on the same stand they do this sparing thing, until Gollum knocks Dobby off the stand). This was a great solution until now (and Gollum is trying to make up for lost time lol).
I sent a email to the breeder that I got them from to set up a time for Gollum to get her wings trimmed. I was not going to have them clipped again but it could be months before Dobby molts and can fly away (not just glide/fall to the floor). Dobby can be handled by everyone in the house. She is such a good bird. Gollum tolerates the the existence of everyone else in the house, except for me... she completely loves me (she is lucky she is so darn cute with her big grey eyes and dinosaur feet!!!)
Anyhow, I just needed to vent!!!
What about allowing them out at separate times so you don't have to clip Gollum????

Or what about teaching Gollum to stay on his own stand and reward him for playing with toys, thus ignoring Dobby???
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I do the separate times (sometimes) but if I have one out, the other one just squawks. I have been trying to put Gollum back on her perch when she flies to Dobby and tell her No. She gets two chances and on the third she goes back in her cage. She does not care. If she is out, she wants to spar with Dobby until she knocks her down. When I put Dobby back on the stand she flies over to do it again. What I have found is they are not spending as much time out of the cage. I am noticing I make excuses (to myself) or I put off getting them out. That is not what I want at all.
I was thinking if I get Gollum clipped now and then NOT clip Dobby when she molts in a couple months. (I do not see Dobby bothering Gollum, she just stays away). By the time Gollum molts again and gets her flight feathers, Dobby will have had hers for quite some time.
I know, I hate the idea of clipping. She is really enjoying flying around the house. I like her being flighted because I do not have to carry her everywhere. I can walk from one room to the other and she flies herself. It is great exercise for her too.
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Well, have you actually tried training Gollum to stay no the stand????

Simply placing him back on the stand isn't teaching him to remain there, nor is putting him back in the cage after he flies off his stand a couple of times. Parrots don't think like humans do, so I don't think this is teaching him anything.
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How would you suggest training her?
When you take her back to her stand, give her a treat. When she sits there for 3 seconds, give her a reward, when she sits there for 5 seconds, give her a reward, when she sits there for 10 seconds, reward her, etc.

If you see her playing with a toy on her stand, reward her. Any desired behavior on her stand, reward her.

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