Golden conure questions


New member
Sep 23, 2011
Valentino - Red Fronted Macaw - Hatched August 12, 2012
My housemate Lupe and I fell in love with Golden Conure's and after a lot of research on my part (been looking into them about the same time I started research about the RFM over a year ago) we believe this type of parrot would be a really good fit with us.

Unfortunately we live in Minnesota and there are not Golden Conure breeders here. I learned that they cannot be shipped out of state and that I would have to buy one locally.

My question is with the people that own Golden conures have they purchased their bird out of state and I would like to learn how they did that. I do understand you need a permit to have one from out of state but is that only allowed for breeders? How can I get one as a pet from out of state?

I think a lot of information I have learned is out of date or wrong. Please, if you know about how to successfully purchase a Golden Conure I would like to know myself.

Thank you so much for helping me.

It's my understanding that the permits are for the benefit of breeders and promoting the species numbers, and not for obtaining and bringing a bird across state lines for personal ownership. I think I read that on the Fish and Game Webiite several months ago. I think you will need to get one locally.
I did a search for you and found an ad that was placed 7 weeks ago from someone in Minneapolis who has a 1 year old male golden conure for sale. Maybe the bird is still available and if not, maybe they can give you info on where they aquired him. I've seen them cost from 1500.00 to 3000.00 though there is no price listed in the ad. He's very handsome! Here's the link... good luck!
I am normally not an internet jerk and don't try to pick fights but I feel like I can ask questions in your parrots area in the center of your profile when it says all your birds are passed away and all at a very young age.... I want to make sure you are ready for another bird and I don't know what happened with your other birds but from an outsider it's very strange that they all died so young....are you ready for a new bird? what went wrong with the others? On my side I know I missed posts from you with your birds or anything that happened and I am just posting on the fact of what I see here and I hope you and your next bird can live a full life.
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I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. I have checked out both your links and like you I feel this maybe a scam. The wording of both adds are exactly the same and this is cause for suspicion. I am not ready to give up but it is looking that way. I do not think ANYONE in my state breeds these birds. If this is the only way I would be able to acquire one then this is probably not going to happen for us.
Again thank you so much for responding.

I totally understand your response to my earlier post. This is why I wrote what I copied below in the "New Members Welcome" reintroducing myself post.

I joined this form over a year ago when I was researching RFM's. A breeder was found and the decision to acquire one was made. It has taken us over a year to pay for our RFM and we sweated it for a bit when the clutches were coming back DNA'ed female (we requested a male). It was a happy day when the breeder reported the last clutch of the season had ONE male. We are getting the only male RFM of the season. His name is Valentino.

For the past few days I have been making a lot of posts about my flock and I realized that every single member of my flock is gone. Then for what ever reason I thought "Oh my, what if people are out there thinking I can't keep my parrots alive." It sort of looks really bad that all my birds are gone and I have their hatch dates and death dates listed as my parrots.

I wanted to take the time to reintroduce myself to hopefully clear up any confusion I might of made with my current posts.

All my life I have been a bird person. I will always be a bird person and I realize over the years I am a much happier person with birds in my life. My current situation with the death of my parrots is the result of crappy luck of the genetic straw. My Eclectus Joaquin died of cancer, my Illiger's macaw Diego died from a fatal stroke and my Noble Macaw Mihijo died from a suspected heart attack (waiting on necropsy results at this time but Dr. Blair feels very strongly it was from a heart attack). With both my mini macaws I can trace back to problems in their genetic lines. Mihijo's breeder told me at my open house back in 1995 (Mihijo was about 4 months old) that the father had died but never told me why. Dr. Blair reported to me that Diego's stroke was most likely from genetics also.

Every single one of my parrots meant so much to me and I have always taken very good care of them. They were part of my family and were a huge joy in my life. They are all so sorely missed my home is not the same without my feathered friends. I have and always will strive to continue to learn about parrot care. I feel that you can never stop learning how to care for parrots properly and always take that active step to learn updated information. I am proud to say I have worked very hard with Dr. Blair in regard to the change in Mihijo's diet so that his numbers could fall back into normal levels. We were able to successfully lower his cholesterol from in the 1200's to under 300 in less than 6 months. When Mihijo passed he was doing very well, way better than we expected, but Dr. Blair feels that the heart attack was very sudden but we had done exceptionally well for him regardless. (I might of been making posts about Mihijo's health issues in this form but am not sure)

Anyway I am open to any and all questions so that no one will be confused or no misunderstanding occur. I mostly want people to know where I am coming from and that I am a person who has lost three wonderful feathered companions that were my best friends.


And to add on to what I had posted in the newbie section. Dr. Blair is a very capable and well renowned Avian vet. After Dr. Jenkins retired and Dr. Blair took over the practice I never doubted Dr. Jenkins choice in replacement Avian vet. Over the years I have worked with both these very knowledgeable and capable vet's and they have done nothing but the best for my flock. Why are all my boys dead? For different reasons but mostly crappy genetics as I have seemed to have drawn the most lousily genetic cards in the decks.

I have done my absolute best caring for my flock and their Vet has done nothing but the best in their health care. I am not trying to justify their deaths at all. I miss my boys and it hurts every day without them.

My purchase of the RFM Valentino has been in the works for over a year. When Mihijo died I was tempted to cancel delivery of my RFM and almost did but over a bit of time I realize not only what we went though to get Valentino but he will be a very much welcomed member of our family and help instigate the healing I so need. Yes, I know even though I researched breeders and picked a breeder that has been working with RFM's for over 20 years I still have no guarantees of what the future brings. That is scary for me but I can't let that stop me from moving forward with my grief work.

Just to let you know I am not running out to replace my Noble Macaw Mihijo with a Golden Conure. I have just come to terms that the RFM is coming and will need to nurture a baby parrot and raise him up healthy and happy. It will take quite a while before I add another parrot into my family I realize that having only one parrot is going to have to work for now. I also am trying to keep an open mind about someday adding another flock member.

I do appreciate that you wrote your post with consideration and a lot of thought. You did not come off as "internet jerk" (like that term btw) and you asked very legit questions. No I am not ready for another bird to take Mihijo's cage but I have to be ready to take delivery of my Valentino. Even in my greif I realize of how much of us went into getting the RFM. *sigh* This can only be a positive event. How can it now be. Soon Valentino will arrive home.

You do need a permit to cross state lines, even if the bird will be for a pet only.

You could email some folks who are in your same part of the country, even if not in the state, to see if they can point you in the right direction. I got mine this way---they weren't advertised anywhere for sale, but I got in touch with the owner and they were willing to part with them.

Good luck! They are beautiful birds. But, be prepared for some NOISE!!
You do need a permit to cross state lines, even if the bird will be for a pet only.

I just want to clarify my first post. What I meant was is that it is my understanding that regarding Golden Conures, they will issue permits to breeders for the purpose of obtaining new stock (across state lines) to obtain a more diverse genepool or for a breeders trade to obtain a more diverse genepool but they will not issue a permit to someone who wants to buy one across state lines to keep as a pet. It is also my understanding that they will not issue a permit to me if I want to move my residence to another state since it will not benefit the conservation of or recovery of the species. :orange:
If I were you I'd contact the people at the Golden Cockatoo in Ft Lauderdale Fl the carry goldens for sale and will have first hand knowledge about permits and anything else you might need and if you were going to take a vacation to fl anytime soon buying one there and driving back home would give you and the bird several days of close contact to bond.
Wow that is really sad that you have been through all that, I am so terribly sorry for you. I hope you can find your new feathered kiddo soon :) That was kind for you to respond in such great length.
I see this thread is a little old, but I have Golden Conures in Minnesota and am breeding them. I also have a hand fed baby if you are still interested.

Thanks, ATL

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