going to look at a female Meyers Parrot tomorrow....!!


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
Recently I made my decision on what type of bird to get, since Safari's death.

I love the Poi's so I thought a Myers parrot would be an excellent fit into my flock.

I had contacted a breeder friend to see if she knew of anybody that had a younger meyers parrot....well, she e-mailed me this morning and said she was going to pick one up for me today......what???? whoa.....not so fast!

But I know her, if I don't want it for any reason she will keep it for herself no questions asked.

AND,she also has told me should the bird not work out for any reason, she will take it back.

ok, so I am not intending to giving this bird back, my only concern is that she get along with my other birds.....sort of like when I had to train Safari not to seek and destroy the other birds:rolleyes:

I'm sort of excited about tomorrow, and will keep my fingers crossed that she is as sweet as she says she is.

she is 9 months old, banded, dna'd, and came from a very reputable breeder.
Ohhhh that's so exciting!!! Does she have a name? I'm sure she will steal your heart....I almost got a Meyers last summer when we were in Brantford....she was a sweetie but it would have been a long strenuous drive home so we decided against her.....

Not to hijack the thread but how did you convince safari that not all other birds are evil :54: ? Just thinking for when I introduce my little ones....

Good luck tomorrow!!

You know the pois are sweet! I've only had Sydney a week and she's 9 months and is a sweetheart even though she really hasn't been handled much until I got her.

Congrats! And I'm so happy for you!
That's great Beth! :) Meyer's are beautiful parrots. I love those colors, and I'm partial to Poi's too.

I read in another post that Willow the Jardine's came from your cousin? Do you still have Willow, or were you just keeping her(?) for your cousin temporarily?
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@rizosmom- it was an uphill battle for sure with Safari, it took 5 months of consistent 'NO's', to finally get thru to him about it. He got to the point where he tolerated the other birds around him, he ended up grooming Kahlua my conure, but was partial to my cockatiel Sundance....whom he let in his cage all the time.....he was awesome....

@thekarens- thanks....I am sort of excited but trying not to get ahead of myself... I didn't sleep well at all last night, thinking about the bird, haha.

@ravenGryf- at the time my cousin owned two birds that she had to re-home, one was Willow (Jardine), the other was Edgar(Pionus)....not realizing these birds potentially could be loud....Edgar went back within the week to my cousins....(long story), I kept Willow and was very happy with her, until she adapted Edgars scream, and then put her own loudness spin to it. my son has mild autism, so after months of meltdowns from my son, I was forced to re-home Willow. One of my customers who has owned large birds, fell in love with her, and they are very happy together.
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well, I haven't got it just yet....but I'm leaning towards bringing her home :)
got my cash, my travel cage, and a blanket ready....it's -15 today and windy.....brrrrr!
It's good to be prepared. When I went to look at Sydney Karen (my partner) said, you're just going to look, that doesn't mean you'll bring him home. I just rolled my eyes and said yeah, right!
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oh you are so right....yesterday I was just going to look....today...I've got everything ready just in case....ha ha....

I am really torn whether to put her in the bedroom right away(in her cage of course) or, have her cage in the livingroom so she can get to know me first, then introduce her to the bedroom and my flock later..... idk
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off I go....why am I nervous??
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well...in a nut shell I came home empty handed.
I am so surprised by this. I can be an impulsive buyer, but not this time.

the bird was fine....it was just me, I wasn't getting excited like I usually do.

Then I asked my friend to bring down her IRN baby....well I just melted, and kissed it about 30 times.

I wanted to tuck it in my jacket and take that one home with me, but it was sold.....bummer.

then the female meyers went after the baby IRN and I knew that bird would not be a proper fit into my house.

so I'm kinda down, but I know there is a special bird out there for me somewhere..... I just wish I would find it sooner rather than later....I'd really like to get off this emotional roller coaster.
Oh bummer, Beth! :(

But if you melted for the IRN, why not keep your eyes open for one of those? Or are you pretty much set on a Meyers?
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oh I have been Wendy....remember when I saw that gorgeous IRN at my friends house?....ever since then I've been wanting one....just something about them.
Indian Ring necks have the cuties and sweetest voices I have ever heard. But they can be noisy and a bit of a handful. I'm sorry that the Myers didn't work out for you, but I think you made the right choice. If he went for the other bird, he surely would have been aggressive to other birds in your home.

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