Going on holiday


Aug 20, 2019
Norwich, UK
Budgies (Puff, Peewee, Pixel and Poochie), Cockatiels (Pippy, Poppy and Petra), Kakariki (Pikachu RIP)
Travelling is something I've wanted to do my whole life, but the thought of leaving my birds has stopped me so far. I don't want to have a huge regret of not at least trying. I wouldn't leave them for more than a week at a time.

I have only ever been away from my birds one night but I want to know if going away for longer is even an option for me. I don't really have any friends/family (sad lol), at least no one I would feel comfortable that they could handle my lot.

My birds are out of their cages all the time anyway, only put in for bed so if I went away I'd just leave them out the whole time. I have a home security camera set up so I can watch them and a smart light so I can turn it on/off and dim from my phone. Food wont be a problem obviously, though it'll mean a short time without veg, but water is going to be tricky. I have seen those pet fountains and was wondering if they would do the trick or if it would be dangerous leaving it running for a longer period?
Personally, I wouldnā€™t leave them at home, alone, free around the home, at all! There are way to many items of human furniture birds can get into and accidentally get into trouble with (ie cables, metal, fabrics). Not to mention that they will need fresh food and water daily; you canā€™t just leave out a whole load of food and expect theyā€™ll portion it themselves, or know that they wonā€™t reject it after 1 day or even 1 hour and starve, plus any old contaminant could get into the food that way.

If there isnā€™t a family member/ friend you trust to care for your flock while you're away, could you not find a bird boarder? That way youā€™ll know they will be cared for appropriately.

We donā€™t have family/friends who would care for our bird if we go away, but his breeder does bird boarding so if we ever did go away and couldn't take him with us heā€™d go their for his ā€˜bird vacationā€™. Our CAV also does bird boarding and Iā€™m sure most of them do that too. I could never in good conscious leave Māui free in the home without supervision! let alone going away!
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Personally, I wouldnā€™t leave them at home, alone, free around the home, at all! There are way to many items of human furniture birds can get into and accidentally get into trouble with (ie cables, metal, fabrics). Not to mention that they will need fresh food and water daily; you canā€™t just leave out a whole load of food and expect theyā€™ll portion it themselves, or know that they wonā€™t reject it after 1 day or even 1 hour and starve, plus any old contaminant could get into the food that way.

If there isnā€™t a family member/ friend you trust to care for your flock while you're away, could you not find a bird boarder? That way youā€™ll know they will be cared for appropriately.

We donā€™t have family/friends who would care for our bird if we go away, but his breeder does bird boarding so if we ever did go away and couldn't take him with us heā€™d go their for his ā€˜bird vacationā€™. Our CAV also does bird boarding and Iā€™m sure most of them do that too. I could never in good conscious leave Māui free in the home without supervision! let alone going away!

I should specify that if I am not home then they are kept in a single room that has been made safe for them, they don't have free roam of the entire flat. I don't like my birds being in a cage, no matter how big the cage is. They have the biggest room in my flat which I've essentially turned into an aviary for them with playgrounds and toys everywhere to keep them entertained and active.
I have solved this whole problem by simply never going anywhere anymore.
But since you're apparently interested in being normal, (lol) I agree with Ezekiell: I would be scared to leave them alone... just too much stuff could happen... falls, sudden illness, freak stuff...
I hope you can find some place or somebody.
We have used a trusted house-sitter a very few times...
Good luck!
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I have solved this whole problem by simply never going anywhere anymore.
But since you're apparently interested in being normal, (lol) I agree with Ezekiell: I would be scared to leave them alone... just too much stuff could happen... falls, sudden illness, freak stuff...
I hope you can find some place or somebody.
We have used a trusted house-sitter a very few times...
Good luck!

My brother moved to China a year ago and was meant to be coming back in February after his contract finished. He's now decided he doesn't plan on living in England again so the travelling thing isn't just about being normal, though I do want to see some of the world if I can, its more about being able to see my brother.
I don't know anything about water fountains, but m as the you can hire a pet sitter to come by once a day to feed and water them. Or maybe a friendly neighbor.
I have a bird-safe room with four loose at all times. That said, I'd never leave them alone for more than one day. Besides the water issue, accidents happen and a large gap of time without assistance magnifies the risk imo.

Balancing your yearning to travel with safety of your flock is paramount. I am confident you can find a solution to appease all concerns. Just one visit per day by a trusted person ought satisfy the needs of all.
I have a bird-safe room with four loose at all times. That said, I'd never leave them alone for more than one day. Besides the water issue, accidents happen and a large gap of time without assistance magnifies the risk imo.

Balancing your yearning to travel with safety of your flock is paramount. I am confident you can find a solution to appease all concerns. Just one visit per day by a trusted person ought satisfy the needs of all.

And that trusted person --perhaps even a paid petsitter-- needs to be someone who can come on emergency basis IF something unforeseen were to occur. Your first post about it being okay to be away in part because you have camera setup is giving me horrible thoughts of you WITNESSing some unforeseen tragedy from the other side of the world and un-able to do anything about it. :(

You need their living area area fully secure for them of course, and someone to come daily, as others have mentioned... and, some ability that IF an unlikely emergency were to occur, that person would have some ability to potentially go there on an emergency basis.
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