Goffins Behavior Help


New member
Mar 2, 2018
Peaches the Goffins
So we recently hand trained our goffins, Peaches, but she started doing something strange.

As she hangs out with me, she'll come to my hand if it lays flat and sit on it. She then moves to a finger, takes it into her mouth, and bites gently. I'm very used to both her "No, I don't like this" nips and her "Stop it please." and it's nothing like this. Even when she bites to not do damage, it's done differently and much harder. It's almost like she's grooming my hand, or playing with it (she does something similar with new objects, playing with them to figure out if it's worth swiping.) Her wings aren't lifting at all, and she isn't shivering or throbbing. She will sometimes whisper to herself, but that is normal behavior for her.

Is this something I should be worried about? If it is sexual I want to nip it in the bud before she gets used to it.
Welcome to you and Peaches, thanks for joining!

About how old is Peaches, and how long has she been living with you? This behavior doesn't seem sexual at first glance, though I've never noticed this behavior with a Goffins. Whether sexual or not, seems you don't like this behavior, and I don't blame you. If it persists, and the presumption from other members is it is not sexual, behavior modification may be helpful. When Peaches engages this way, reinforce the stern "no" with a brief time-out. A very few minutes, or she may associate this with something other than the biting.
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She's around 6, and I don't mind the behavior as it doesn't hurt and it's kinda funny to watch. As long is it isn't sexual, I'm fine. G2s are weird.

edit*: She's been living with us for a couple years, though she only opened up to me recently (she still picks faves ;-: )
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What you describe doesn't seem sexual, though individual birds vary. Peaches just may have an obsession with fingers!

Nice to see she opened up to you. They are not typically one-person birds, though I know of some exceptions!
She might think she’s preening you my macaw loves fingers he goes up and down nibbling cleaning them damn crazy bird.

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