Getting My First Conure Soon


New member
Aug 28, 2015
My family has owned Green Cheek Conures before so I'm not completely lost, just a little.
I'm looking at some of the different kinds of Conures though and am interested in knowing what may be the best fit for me.
I'm looking for a bird that is fun and playful, however I'd also like the bird to like to just chill and cuddle with me, one that enjoys lots of attention. I know each bird had their own personality but some species of Conures fall into a category. I also like bigger bird but since this is my first bird on my own I don't want to over whelm myself either.
The species of Conures I'm looking at are:
  • Green Cheek Conure
  • Sun Conure
  • Blue Crown Conure
  • Patagonian Conure
I really want to have a good bird friend that is going to stay with me for many many years. I'd also like one that can be a bird more "mild mannered" and the least "nibbly" I know Conure's have a tendency to "taste" their owners but if there is one that is the least bitey it would be good to know. I'm interested in any Conure but the four listed are just what I have seen and liked so far. Noise isn't really a problem for me as long as the bird quiets down at night. I just want to have a great relationship with my Conure.
Thank you!
I'd say Sun conure. Only because gccs can be much more mouthy than the other ones and I'm not fond of blue crowns (though there are a couple on this forum that seem awesome ruffledfeathers, Gilbert, for example). I haven't dealt with a patagonian yet, so can't say on that one.
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I think all conures can fit the description that you are looking for. Just from my experience, sun and green cheeks tend to be like energizer bunnies. They are just balls of energy that want to get into everything you are doing and will play, play, play. I think they can all be noisy-my sun sure can! But, they will all be quiet at bedtime especially if you have a set time where you cover them so they know it's time to sleep. Just from your description of wanting a more mild mannered and calm bird as well as a bigger bird, I would lean towards the blue crowned conure. The ones I have met have had a really calm personality and loved to cuddle and have head scratches. However, I have never owned one...there are a few members here that have blue crowns so maybe they will see this thread and give you their opinions. As far as nippy goes, my sun conure loves to wrestle with me while on his back and that's when he gets the most nippy, but it is just play...not aggression and I can always stop the game if he starts gnawing too hard LOL. I don't know anything about pantagonian conures. In fact, I have never even seen one, but I just googled them and they look beautiful!

I hope this helps and good luck! I'm sure you will love whichever bird you end up with.
Bingo on the Sun Conures... they keep going and going and going... stick to you like glue..screech with glee when you come home.. squawk to you when you are out of sight, quack like a duck when happy.. until its bedtime of course then they get laid back. Mine.. a rescue bird.. puts himself to bed now and says "nite nite..nite nite". He also loves to snuggle. and be held with his back tight to my beard. Seeing that behavior I hung a washcloth right over the top of his top perch, and when he goes to sleep at nite he gets up under it.. wearing it like a cape. They can get snuggly, and very affectionate.. gosh mine loves "sugar"..and once in a while he will even nap on my shoulder or on my hand but for the most part out of the cage or in hes wide open wanting to play... I wouldnt call him "nippy" although he gives me "happy nibbles" when I get him out of his cage..and loves to mock fight but he doesnt use full pressure doing that. Only drawn blood once.. and its when he got his claw hung on his cage and I quickly imobilized him to keep him from hurting himself. He laid me open pretty good but that was understandable, but what amazed me was that when I freed his foot seconds later he seemed so grateful and apologetic. I know it can be silly to equate that kind of emotion from a bird but I cant explain it any other way. Dont be to shy about considering a "rescue" bird... at least mine bonded REAL quick and made himself at home in 30 minutes or less. )
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Notdumasilook hahahaha.. I loved your description of sun conures! It is dead on! They do stick to you like glue and they screech with glee for sure when you come home! That's awesome! Thankfully, mine has never drawn blood when we play fight or wrestle. It's the cutest thing...he will grab my finger, then tumble over sideways onto his back and start grabbing and gnawing...never hurts, but if he gets worked up the bite pressure sure does get stronger. He does understand "no" and "be nice" though! Wonderful little companions, those suns!
My suns the exact opposite of everyone elses. She used to be playful but outgrew it. Shes very independent, likes her toys, never makes noise unless everyone is greeting me when I came home even then it isn't overly loud, and while she will snuggle doesn't require it all the time. She has never bitten and her bite pressure isn't ever too much anymore when she grabs you.

I'm not sure where you are located but if it is near NJ we have a group of 3 suns at A Helping Wing that are pretty well behaved that just came in. I do believe they are being adopted all together not individually since there is some bonding in the group. Then, we have a pair of suns that are wonderful and independent but you have to be able to tell the female of the two to shut up and behave when she gets an attitude. Then, we have a little hybrid sun that you will need to beat over the head occasionally about manners. Then, we have a pair that is a blue crown and cherry head... then we have an individual blue crown....then we have an individual cherry head that came in recently (at least if I remember correctly it was a cherry headed)....Then we have a little pineapple gcc that is a little nippy if you don't put him in his place....Oh we also have a little scissor beak brown throated...I'm sure there is some I'm not remembering...

So yeah go for a rescue there's plenty in shelters;)
All conures are great pets - even though I've only owned one, Skittles.

But if you are looking for a 'clingy' bird and can deal with the vocal level (they are LOUD), then I'd say go with the sun as well, but I may be biased in that regard.

I could easily call Skittles 'little klingon' or 'little big megaphone' etc. Skittles is not very noisy. He used to be, but he and I have an arrangement now and as long as I keep my end, he will keep his. Mainly, I pay the rent, he rules the roost. It's not ideal, but at least I have a roof over my head....for now anyways.
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Thank you for all the answers! I'm really looking forward to getting my Conure!

Unfortunately there are not very many rescues in my area, I have looked for them a bunch and have only come up with ones that do not adopt out their birds and most only rescue the larger parrots like Cockatoo's. I will continue to look for them but will keep my eyes out for other Conure's as well.
I think it's great that you are considering a rescue bird.

I personally think rescue animals get a bad rap. People think that rescue animals all have behavioral problems or what not. Truth is, most are there because they are unwanted and some were neglected. They make just as good pets as ones you get elsewhere. Most just need a home with some extra TLC and patience.

I can't tell you how many stories I've heard of people getting rid of their cockatoo because it pulled all it's feathers out or started mutilating itself. They don't even bother to try and find out the reason, or they just don't care. The problem in those cases is not the cockatoo but the former owner.
I think you have a good start here and I could go on about how green cheeks are the best (i am bias of course) but I think you should go out and handle/meet some. Conures as a group are lovely and loving despite the volume, (screeches of LOVE!) but you should go out and meet some to make your own choice.
You might find you like the feel for a smaller conure, or larger. Go find out :)

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