Getting friendly


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Jan 15, 2007
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Sisqo & GiGi-DYH & BF Amazons

Snow & Blue-Budgies
So the idea to get a double macaw cage for the guys has crossed my mind a few times, but I had no idea how Sisqo & Gigi would get along with their cages so close together & sharing the top (the whole *territory* thing). I've moved Gigi's cage next to Sisqo's (about 1 1/2 feet apart) so they can get used to being so close to each other.

Gigi has hopped over to Sisqo's cage a few times, but always goes back to his whenever we tell him to. However, tuesday night I came home to find Sisqo and Gigi both on top of Gigi's cage!! I freaked out, especially because Sisqo had red stuff all over his beak. I immediately grabbed him off of Gigi's cage and inspected him and Gigi (the best I could, at least) for signs of a fight. Turns out it was just the strawberries and raspberries they had for dinner.

Yesterday, Sisqo went over to Gigi's cage again. While they're not preening each other or anything like that, they're getting much more friendly with each other. Now my problem comes in here: When I went to pick Sisqo up off of Gigi's cage, Gigi ran forward and tried to attack me. This is the same problem that Gigi's previous owner had with him and it was the main reason they got rid of him.

While I like that they are getting along, I don't want to get bitten and attacked. Should I move Gigi's cage back to where I had it before (across the room from Sisqo) until I can get Gigi a little more tame? Or do I keep the cages where they are at and just not back down whenever Gigi tries to bite me, and not let him scare me? Gigi's previous owner quit even trying to pick up her other bird because she was so scared of Gigi's wrath, but I know that's not going to stop me from handling Sisqo.

Thanks for any advice.
Think she's remembering how she got her last owner to leave her friend alone. So she thinks the same will work for you.

Have you tried, moving the cages slightly and taking GiGi over to Sisqo's cage, ???? (Am just wondering if she will act the same way on his cage)

I would perservere with this. She is trying to rule you on this one, like she ruled her last one. If you feel you really do need to move the cages back to where they were then try taking her over to sisqo on a regular basis but don't let her get into a position that she can threaten you. If she should lunge at you at all then take her straight back to her cage, The last thing you want is for Sisqo to copy this sort of behaviour

Good Luck to you, and please let us know how this is turning out.
Sounds like a dominance thing to me. You need to be the boss, not Gigi. Stick with your gut and keep being the boss, even if its not fun for a bit, it will be once Gigi accepts you are the boss no matter what - it may be an on and off thing even after she accepts your boss'dom, testing the waters. I am, by no means, an expert on this but that is what screams to be the issue to me. Keep us informed on how things are going.
I think Peta gave you a great idea!:)

Try them on Sisqo's cage that is not Gigi's territory and see how it goes..

Gigi is one of ''the hot threes'' of the amazon family and may take you a while to get him round...
Gigi is one of ''the hot threes'' of the amazon family and may take you a while to get him round...

So is Sisqo...

However, I want to try to work with Gigi as much as I can before it's that hormonal time again. With his last owner, he actually flew off the cage and attacked them whenever they tried to pick up their conure. Of course I could just keep them separate when it's that time. But then again, they might not like each other during that time...who knows. But I do know that I need to get Gigi to at least not bite me whenever my hand is near his cage. That's the first step
If you don't want to get bit, try stick training to move gigi from the cage.

I ended up not moving the cages, b/c if Gigi really wanted to be on Sisqo's cage, then he would just crawl off of his and go wherever he pleases (as we learned the first night we got him).

However the situation has gotten better. Gigi no longer tries to 'attack' me whenever I pick Sisqo up from his cage, and he has actually tried to make attempts at talking whenever I take Sisqo off instead. He sounds like he's saying 'hi', but his *voice* is really grainy. Not at all like Sisqo's.

Gigi will also hop back over to his cage whenever we tell him too, so seriously, he is a smart guy.

Sunconure: Gigi is extremely afraid of sticks & hands. If we come near him with either he just jumps off of his cage. Will definitely try stick training though before we work on stepping onto hands.

We're trying to get him adjusted to the idea of toweling, but we haven't made much progress. Whenever he sees a towel he starts breathing heavily, jumps on his back and quacks really loudly. But we need to get him toweled before he can get his new beak.
Things sound like they're working out pretty good with Gigi. Pepsi is so afriad of towels even if I have one wrapped around my head after a shower she will freak out. She also has the stick and hand issue. We've been working on it, but it is a slow process.

Let me know if you come up with any training break throughs!!!

Things are getting better. Gigi will let me pet his uninjured foot/claw through the bars of his cage, and will even play 'tug of war' with me with one of his shredder toys.

Since I moved his cage to where he can get a view of the kitchen, he LOVES watching me get his food ready. He runs back and forth across the top of his cage and makes little squawking noises.

I noticed yesterday that Sisqo was trying to bathe himself with his water bottle, and it clicked that I had been a bad parront, and they haven't gotten showered in quite some time. I started spraying Sisqo, and Gigi made squawking noises to indicate it was his turn. When I started spraying Gigi, Sisqo made some noises to tell me that he wasn't done yet. Looks like I'm going to have to get another squirt bottle and really give my hands a workout.
LOL it must be an Amazon thing to love showers. Pepsi goes nuts for showers, she will lean so far forward she almost falls right off her perch!!! Nicole we need more pics of Sisqo and Gigi!!! :D

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