In my previous posts i mentioned that i was getting a quaker parrot and on doing some reserch i found out that quaker's are illegal in many states.
this is bad as i was planning to move to one of these states , califonia, to be closer to family, so i have decided to get a senigal instead. From what i hear these birds arent as big of a talker as a quaker but talking isnt that big of an issue, it would just be a cool thing if it happened. im getting him/her tomorow and naming him amos. i have to go to a bigger pet store, state wide, but they keep good care of their animals and he was in an apropriate cage, at least i think so. i have a few questions. all my reserch was on quakers because that was the kind of bird i wanted and i wanted to know a book on senigals so i can read it to find out about them. i plan on buying a book called parrots for dummies it was recomended to me on this forum, i think, i have a bad memory. i wanted somthing spesific to senegals. Also what kind of pellets should i get not what kind of brand but do senegals require a speacial kind of pellets and seeds on ocasion? they are birds and birds like to crack shells. I held him today and he liked to go on the tip of my finger kinda made me scared cause i was worried that he would fall off. Also when i first saw him his pupils kept getting bigger and then smaller, not at a freakish speed but just a little. Is this normal for senigals and if anyone else has seen this and knows what it is let me know because i dont want to buy a bird that is sick and is gonna die. i know that sounds horrible but i dont have money that often and i would have to wait and save up money to buy another bird for a long time. The last question is how should i act around a bird that has been in a pet store for 9+ months and likes to be held. He evin followed me with his eyes when i walked away. Just curious if i should do somthing differant than what ive been reading, talk to him play music to him, basically treat him as you would an adopted child that has been in a foster home.
sorry for the long post.
this is bad as i was planning to move to one of these states , califonia, to be closer to family, so i have decided to get a senigal instead. From what i hear these birds arent as big of a talker as a quaker but talking isnt that big of an issue, it would just be a cool thing if it happened. im getting him/her tomorow and naming him amos. i have to go to a bigger pet store, state wide, but they keep good care of their animals and he was in an apropriate cage, at least i think so. i have a few questions. all my reserch was on quakers because that was the kind of bird i wanted and i wanted to know a book on senigals so i can read it to find out about them. i plan on buying a book called parrots for dummies it was recomended to me on this forum, i think, i have a bad memory. i wanted somthing spesific to senegals. Also what kind of pellets should i get not what kind of brand but do senegals require a speacial kind of pellets and seeds on ocasion? they are birds and birds like to crack shells. I held him today and he liked to go on the tip of my finger kinda made me scared cause i was worried that he would fall off. Also when i first saw him his pupils kept getting bigger and then smaller, not at a freakish speed but just a little. Is this normal for senigals and if anyone else has seen this and knows what it is let me know because i dont want to buy a bird that is sick and is gonna die. i know that sounds horrible but i dont have money that often and i would have to wait and save up money to buy another bird for a long time. The last question is how should i act around a bird that has been in a pet store for 9+ months and likes to be held. He evin followed me with his eyes when i walked away. Just curious if i should do somthing differant than what ive been reading, talk to him play music to him, basically treat him as you would an adopted child that has been in a foster home.
sorry for the long post.