Geordie Update!


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Stitch the Blue Crown Conure
Hello Friends! good news on the Geordie the Meyers Parrot front.

For the last few days he'd been very stand-offish. Didn't want to step up at all, not for me or anyone else. We let him be, took it easy on him. Yesterday I left his cage door open for a long while and he did come out briefly and hung out on top of his cage while we were there, but then he went back in.

I made one last attempt to get him to step up and come out of his cage and-- he did! reluctantly, but he did. I had him on my shoulder for a short while and then my husband came and sat next to me and Geordie went to him (stinker). BUT-- he let me REALLY pet and touch him while he was sitting on Rick-- I was able to scratch him and stroke his head and back as much as I wanted, for the first time! It was really wonderful.

That sounds wonderful :)
Aren't those little victories the sweetest? :)

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