Geodude - Our New Kitten!


New member
Jul 26, 2013
South Australia
1 male Cockatiel
My husband has named him Geodude... however I just call him Geo. ^^

We adopted him on Thursday 12th (2 days ago) from our local RSPCA Shelter. He is just about as interested in our birds as he is in the grass outside. I don't think he's ever really been outside. Our daughter absolutely LOVES him! And she apparently is fascinating in his eyes.

He is 13 weeks old, and was handed in to the shelter at 2 weeks old.

So here he is! :p He is black with pitch black tabby stripes! Fairly sure he has Burmese in him, but no idea what else could be in there.

Before his bath:

After his bath: So shiny!



What a sweetie! Congrats on the new member of the family:)
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Hehe thank you. ^^ We're very pleased with him! We actually went to the shelter to look at his brother, but chose him (Geo) instead. His brother would be far more suited to an extremely quiet home. (Us having 2 kids under the age of 3 and one on the way... well.. wouldn't have been fair to the other kitten).
Sounds like you made a great choice. And kudos to you for recognizing that Geo would be a better fit for your family:)
I was wondering how your daughter is dealing with the loss of Sepha...Hopefully Geo will help take her mind off of that.
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:D Thankies!

Mmm yeah, she's been a little bit on the grumpy side since Sepha 'disappeared' from her little life. At least now she has someone she can cuddle, carry and play with every day. ^^
Hopefully Geo will help her little heart to heal:)
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Yeah. :)

I think the hardest thing is that she doesn't understand where, or why the bird isn't here. So she probably thought we just suddenly put her somewhere else and wouldn't let her see the bird anymore. She certainly gave us big "How could you?!" glares.. haha... Made us feel so guilty. But she's getting over it fairly well.
That's is so hard for children to understand. Actually, it's hard for me to understand:( I am glad she has something to cuddle and love on again.
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Yeah. Thanks again ^^

Thank you MarciaLove! He keeps getting cuter by the minute.. haha.
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Well, Geo is going really well. Fattened up a little (poor guy was quite thin when we brought him home). He has insane spaz attacks each morning and ever night around 9.

My right shoulder makes it look as though I had an encounter with Captain Hook. Geo is obsessed with my long hair and raced along the couch, pounced on my head, slipped and grabbed at my shoulder for support and gave me a nice deep scratch. Was so lovely.. Lol.
What a beautiful kitten!!!! I would keep your hands sanitized and stay away from the litter box. Have someone else clean it since your pregnant. Especially you adopted this one from the shelter. You never know as they can carry Toxidia.
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Hmm Mikey didn't think about the Toxidia.. I've been cleaning the litterbox 50% of the time, but I just use little plastic bags to pick out all the poop etc. Then I sanitise my hands with the Aqium hand sanitising gel we've got. ^^

Thank you thekarens ;D
My partner's sister got it while she was pregnant and transfered it to her baby. She got it from her cats since she was their main care giver. The way it works is it starts with a infected mouse, the cat ingest it and now is the carrier. So when you clean the litter box without sanitizing you'd be infecting yourself. I watch that show Monsters inside me off animal planet...
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Ahhh ok. Well I'll be sure to sanitize :) As far as i know hes never eaten a mouse.

Hahaha i watch that show too sometimes. Very interesting, but sorta makes you think something's wrong with you... Lol partner won't watch it. I like watching it to learn stuff. Definately can't watch it if eating
OMG so cute and I LOVE that you named him after a Pokemon!!!! I had a guinea pig named Pikachu haha I have everything Pokemon, including my stocking hanging right now!!!
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Hahaha, eeeeew yeah not when eating... Makes me feel like I'm eating bugs and digesting infectious parasites... Haha.. Yuck!

Haha Jade! Husband just got me started watching it a little while ago.. IT IS AWESOME!!! I quite like Jesse, James and Meowth hehe. James is so emotional ;P
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Surrendered Geo back to the RSPCA on Friday. He's gone! Yay! We've been assured a home will be found for him.

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