Gender preference


New member
Sep 16, 2012
Bf amazon
Hello all! I am about to get a galah cockatoo and before I do I was wondering what everyone's experience has been with buying a bird of the opposite sex. I've read that alot of times male birds attach to women better and female birds attach to men better...what have you experienced?:D
Many people say that this theory is a myth.. but I have a YC Amazon that is Female, yet she does not like Men at all!

I had a Female Galah quite a few Years ago and she liked both Men and Women! I have been told though that the Male Galahs have a better taliking ability than the Female.
It is a myth!!! Most of the boy birds prefer me over my partner while my girls love either one of us.
Well my female IRN likes men and hates women, and my male Alex likes women and is fine with men. My old roommate's male cockatiel likes everyone. It's just up to the individual birds I guess.
that is a myth. there usually isnt a difference.(besides in a FEW speacies they look different.) it is up to the individual bird. i am getting a quaker and i am hoping it is female. just because all my other pets are and i have better names for females.
I also believe this to be a myth. I have both a male AND female Amazon and a male Macaw. Every single one of them prefers me over the rest of the family (who are all men).

I do believe that if you adopt a bird who has been abused/misused by a certain gender, the bird will be more prone to trust the opposite sex of the abuser/misuser. (<-- I hope this made sense) :eek:
I really don't think parrots have a preference. Being a breeder & handling both male & female parrots ( I am female) i have never noticed any baby prefer either gender. However i do notice if a person is comfortable around birds they will go to anyone if not the parrot will act uneasy, lunge & bite in some cases.

I look after a gay couples (Guys) female Red Tail Too. It's so funny because one is so calm around this bird she loves him to pieces the other she know's he is uneasy around her so she will lunge & act up something shocking never biting though. She will come to me & let me kiss & cuddle her & I have only looked after her 3 times & only for 3 or 4 days at a time.

In my experience, I think the parrot will bond with the person he/she feels most comfortable with regardless of gender. My male SC Too loves me to bits & will go to anyone, even strangers but let my eldest son come to visit & this bird turns into a love sick birdie.

I know this subject is divided but i never choose a parrot because i think a male will be a better companion for me. I believe either can make excellent companions. If we put in 100% effort our parrots give back double.
As Greybeard was maturing, we found he liked boys and girls, but not men. Somebody suggested they could smell testosterone. Now he is bonded to wifey, and won't go to anybody else.

Chewbaca is bonded to me, and she goes to anybody but wifey.
I adopted what a male (assumed) mitred conure and told he preferred men. He had lived with a man for 10 years of his life! Yet.. he bonded to a young girl while at a pet shop... and when he was in a 'foster home', he did bond more closely to the man rather than the women... yet, he's now with me, and prefers me over anyone! Doesn't matter what gender!

I also have a female cockatiel, and she seems to prefer women over men, but then again she doesn't get much experience being around men.

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