GEMMA UPDATE - DAY 21 (photos)


New member
Jul 19, 2012
St. Louis, MO
TESLA-Congo African Grey
VINNY - Vasmaeri Eclectus
Well, we've had Gemma now for 21 days. :) She is doing great! She hasn't been messing with her feathers at all and other than a little dandruff, we haven't noticed any skin issues either.
She's VERY quiet and still very cuddly. It's difficult not to just pet and hug her all the time but I can tell that it makes her hormonal so it's been pretty much hands off of her body as far as any stroking goes. I am practicing holding her wings up and touching her feet keep her used to it and I want to work w/ a harness soon.
she wants to be with me all the time and is practicing her "Stay" when it comes to the perches. She's getting better all the time.
She still hates the shower and getting wet, and since I don't want her to dry out too much, I have only been bathing her twice a week.
She checked out a-ok at the vet and she even let him touch her anywhere.
She still hasn't really made any noise other than laughing and a squeak once when I tried to give her a shower.
She will not touch any toys....:( This makes me a sad mom since I LOVE to buy them all sorts of toys!!! Maybe once she's been here awhile and sees Vinny playing with them.



So happy to have an update on Gemma, and even happier that she checked out a-ok. :)

She's such a pretty girl! I truly believe with your TLC her feathers will fully recover, and I'm hopeful that in time she'll be playing with all the toys you give her. :)
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Thanks guys! She is a pretty picky eater but I'm working on transitioning her diet still. The only pellet she is eating right now is Pretty Bird Eclectus. I offer the Harrison's but she will only nibble occasionally.
WOW, and she's obviously enjoying them tremendously! :D LOOK how quickly and nicely her feathers are re-growing!! You are doing such a fabulous job with Gemma! :)
Look at that face!!!!!! What a pretty girl! I'm sure that once she is comfortable and trys chewing her toys she will go to TOWN on them!
great pics she sure is a pretty girl :)

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