

New member
Jun 3, 2024
looking for two GCC, don’t own any birbs at the moment - previous owner of Kiwi and Sparky, my baby budgies. love them forever <33

I'm new here, so uh hi everyone.
I'm going to be getting two GCCs in about a week - I'm so excited. I've owned birds in the past before, but currently don't own any (Kiwi, I miss you baby girl). I've done tons of research, but had a few nitty gritty questions that I haven't found answers to yet..

1. Food scheduling.
I plan to keep my two GCCs on a 70% pellet, 30% chop diet. This excludes any millet/nuts they might eat during training or foraging. Is that okay? Also, I've heard that a tablespoon each of chop in the mornings should be brekkie, and then when should I give pellets? At nighttime, or like lunchtime? Most research I've done has lead me to birds having two meals a day (ofc it varies birb by bird). And what is the recommended serving size for pellets? The pellets they have been weaned onto are the colourful ZuPreem pellets, and I do plan to change it to the non-colourful pellets from ZuPreem eventually (tips appreciated)... Is Zupreem okay?

2. Cuttlebone... heard mixed things here... good or bad??

3. Natural perches. Obviously no dowel perches... I'm based in Ohio - does anyone know safe natural perches I can get from the trees here?

4. Location. I plan to keep the birds and their cage in the basement (It's finished, don't worry... It's not a creepy unsafe basement lol... And there are plenty of windows and sunlight down there as well), but it can be a little chilly down there. What's the recommended temperature to keep my birds happy in?

Thanks so much in advance for any help and advice!!

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