GCC Weight


Active member
Dec 16, 2021
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Virginia, USA
Miles, Yellow-sided Green Cheek Conure
I started regularly weighing my green cheek a few months ago after an illness scare. It turned out to be a false alarm (a misunderstanding on my part), praise the Lord... but it made me more watchful than ever.

I have read over and over that a few grams' deviation can mean impending death, yet Miles regularly fluctuates more than five or six grams depending on when I weigh him. If I weigh him in the morning before he's eaten anything, it's not unusual for him to check out below 75g. But if I weigh him after breakfast (a healthy mix of fruits and veggies), I'm not surprised to find the scale reading 82g or higher. He's only been under 70g once, when I was away and my sister had forgotten to give him pellets the day before; he registered 62 then, but shot up to a plump 89 after I fed him a mix of pellets and chop (he was quite hungry).

Is this fluctuation correspondent with food intake normal? I've weighed him a few days in a row at the same time, early morning before he eats, and he is usually right around 74g, give or take a couple due to his movement on the scale. I'm just wondering if I should be concerned at the fluctuations caused by his food intake.
I started regularly weighing my green cheek a few months ago after an illness scare. It turned out to be a false alarm (a misunderstanding on my part), praise the Lord... but it made me more watchful than ever.

I have read over and over that a few grams' deviation can mean impending death, yet Miles regularly fluctuates more than five or six grams depending on when I weigh him. If I weigh him in the morning before he's eaten anything, it's not unusual for him to check out below 75g. But if I weigh him after breakfast (a healthy mix of fruits and veggies), I'm not surprised to find the scale reading 82g or higher. He's only been under 70g once, when I was away and my sister had forgotten to give him pellets the day before; he registered 62 then, but shot up to a plump 89 after I fed him a mix of pellets and chop (he was quite hungry).

Is this fluctuation correspondent with food intake normal? I've weighed him a few days in a row at the same time, early morning before he eats, and he is usually right around 74g, give or take a couple due to his movement on the scale. I'm just wondering if I should be concerned at the fluctuations caused by his food intake.
The fact that he didn't eat the day before might have caused him to gain a lot of weight as he ate a lot more, and the fact that he didn't eat might've caused him to lose some weight because all the food he was digesting likely exited his body by then(birds have a very fast digestive system).. I"m not 100% sure.
daily fluctuations haven't been that high in mine, food is always available. She pretty much 74 anytime i weigh her..but my quakers can change a few grams if the pigged out.

But daily fluctuations, are not the concern. Weight checks should be at the same time, morning after first poop. You are looking for trends over days...a consistent downward loss.
If mine was down 2 grams the next day, I'd wait to see if thst held over the next 3 days or dropped more.
Weekly is what I aim for, unless I have a concern
Thanks guys!
I weigh both my birds every morning after their morning poop, before they eat anything, so that it's an even comparison each day. My GCC varies from 70 to 73 grams every day.

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