GCC help!


New member
Jan 17, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
Hello all. I'm new and want to just hang out before asking for help but I'm so depressed right now.

I'm not sure what to do. I had to leave for the majority of last year due to work (9 months deployment). My GCC and I were pretty close before I left. He was super tame and I was able to handle him with no issues. Since I've been back it's just been a constant battle. He bit me so hard the first month then sort got better and now is just aggressive again draw blood almost every time I try to handle him. I've tried offering him treats, giving him space, tried to gently handle him with a towel/blanket, even tried gloves and I feel like I'm just making it worse he gets so angry and bites through everything. I don't know if he'll ever trust me again.

My husband left at one point for over half a year and the bird didn't mind at all when he came back. Bird is fully flighted now. I hate to think of getting his wings clipped but I may have to. Every time I think I'm getting through to him there's just a huge set back. Guess I'll have to just leave him alone. I thought maybe it's hormones too but what do I do about that? Just wait it out?

There are no nesting toys in his cage. He actually spends most of his time outside of the cage when my husband is here. I'm sure I'm not the only one this has happened to. Like I said before I think I tried forcing things a little a couple times...do birds eventually forgive or get over being angry if you didn't pay attention to body language/etc?

I've tried both ways, just going for it and not backing down and doing a more laid back approach. It's been 3 months since I've been back. This sounds kind of selfish and whiny but I have a very high stress job, grew up afraid of birds and was so elated when I got him to trust me and bond when he first came to us. I had him for 3 years before I had to leave for so long and now I'm just so...sad. I know I need to be patient but are there any tips/advice anyone has? I still absolutely love the little guy, is there any hope for it getting better. HALP
I wish I had the answer, my grey is just a cranky little thing, he always has been. What he really likes to do is just sit on the cage while I tell him how pretty he is and what a good boy he is. He'll come find me if I'm eating something he wants, but other than that he is not interested in me in the slightest.
Hello, welcome to the forum and thank you for your service.

I’m sorry that this is happening. If I were you I’d start from the beginning.
Act like you are strangers and slowly build up the trust.
He’s letting you know that he’s pissed you left him. Be patient he’ll come around.
Here is a link that will be helpful.

Best of luck to you both.
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Thank you for the reply!:gcc:
try going back to how things were when you first met, getting him used to the basics

how old is he may I ask? You may be dealing with teenager syndrome on top of things, plus remember it is hormone season so he's gonna be dealing with that.

Slow down with him and give him time, try doing any training with him in a different room, if he bites just set him down away from you and ignore him for a minute, then go right back to it. You can also have it that his favorite treat is only ever given out by you, that way he has to be nice to you to get his favorite thing, bribery goes a long way with a parrot

As for wing clipping I wouldn't bother, he may become more dependent to you but he loses one of his main opportunities for play and exercise and then once he molts and gets new feathers he'll be right back to his old ways
Absolutely reset everything relationship wise!
With the pushing, you are reinforcing the bad/aggressive behavior!
Is he bonded to your husband now? He might have just turned into your husbands bird. If that’s the case you might not be able to do much with the loyalties having changed.

One it sounds like he is out a lot and gets the run of everything. Two is that it sounded like he is out all the time with the husband. I’d set more of a routine that involves you. For example, your husband doesn’t get him out and just you work with him for now. If he bites your hand coming out step him up on a stick or towel. If he bites when on the shoulder don’t allow him up there. I’m not big on clipping but they grow back so if that would make you more comfortable it’s not the end of the world. If he is with your husband have the husband dump him on you then spend some time passing him back and forth. We do that with aggressive macaws at the shelter. We get about 5-6 people and just pass the bird around in a circle each person gets a minute or two before passing him to the next. The key is to keep it moving along positively talking or treats or even just sitting their comfortably for a minute together. If he is bonded to the husband having him dump him on you and walking away for a minute can help. If the bird keeps flying to him consistently dumping him back on you will get the point across a lot of the time to the bird.

Having specific time with just you and no husband around is important though. Also, reduced hours out with just the husband is too and just you initiating out time even if you just get him out to take to the husband for a few hours is helpful. Basically out time is something you give him. The very least he will probably become friendly in the cage with you. You can also hand out treats as you walk by. You don’t always have to touch to interact positively.

In the end some birds are just grudge holders. If that’s the case your husband could do something wrong and loyalties will switch back to you for a time lol

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