GCC crouching and smacking beak on cage?


Mar 31, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Gcc- Conlan... Sun Conure- Mouse...Jenday- Kellan... RLA- Happy...B&G Macaw- Rhage
Conlan has been with me for 2 days. Other than walking by and saying hello, talking to him, and opening his door to replace water and food, I've left him be to settle in. However the once sweet little creature has turned into a demon. Every time I walk past the cage, which is located in my room where I spend a lot of my time, he jumps onto the side of the cage and watches me. If I get to close he begins smacking his head and beak sideways against the bars. He's also biting at the bars and spends a lot of time crouching on one of his many perches just watching me. Wings tucked in close, body straight but slanted forward and tail angled down a bit. And that's usually just as I'm lying on my bed across from him. If I'm moving around he's on the cage sides watching every move I make.

When I was cleaning I covered the cage hoping to relax him a bit. He got more upset and was trying to find spots to look out. And heaven forbid I watch my TV or listen to music on my stereo, or even video chat with a friend. He starts screaming. And if I open the door
To his cage to change water or food he bites. Hard. I have to wear a ski glove on one hand to keep him away so I can get the bowls, and when I go to open the door he jumps onto it and tries grabbing me through the bars.

Currently he's sitting on his perch screaming at nothing with his back to me, his head turned to watch me from the side... I'm laying on my bed typing. He's been quiet for the most part since being here so I have no clue what his issue is. Sure he quietly chatters but it's quiet.

I WAS however able to put my hands in the cage and have him a small piece of broccoli which he took gently. Now this.

Anyone have any idea what I should do? Am i miss reading something? I know he needs time to settle in but I would never have guessed he'd be like this. He's not shaking, looks healthy, and isn't puffing his feathers other than to shake out. Any help would be appreciated!
Hm, interesting. When did the behavior start exactly? I know you said you only got him two days ago and that he hasn't been acting like this, so how long was he an angel and how long has this behavior gone on? 12 hours? More? Less? You might consider just leaving him alone today and waiting to see how he is tomorrow since you don't really have anything to compare as to what his "normal" behavior is...
He may not have slept well and is cranky. It happened to Kyo her first night or two. That's when we found out she wants to get 12 hours of sleep and not 10 :)
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He was an angel at the place I got him, so I was expecting him to be a beat for a while after he came here. This crouching has been going on since the first day, but the screaming and has banging started today. About 12 hours ago. He started screaming and my dog started barking so they 'yelled it out' for a bit then they got quite. Conlan started up again a bit later. The dog is still quiet. Meanwhile the dog was outside my closed door.
I wouldn't worry too much about it then. He's making a HUGE transition. You have to remember that he may not have known there was even a world outside where he'd been living and suddenly there are new people, new things, new animals. It sounds like to me that he was quiet for awhile, crouching and looking, to make sure nothing was going to get him, and now he is announcing that he's not sure he's too happy with all this weird change, that that silly dog better not bark at him because he can bark too, and that he doesn't want anything to do with these new, scary people. Give him a few days to settle in, and I am guessing it will get better. Two days is not really very long for an adjustment like that. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Some parrots have no problem transitioning to a new home, especially the younger ones. It's according to the individual bird and the bird's previous experiences with humans. Some birds need weeks or even months to adjust. Two days is nothing. The crouching and beak banging is defensive behavior, that means he feels very threatened by something. Any bird will bite when afraid. Your bird needs patience and understanding until he builds trust and gains enough confidence to be comfortable. You mentioned your bird was grabbed with a glove, clipped, then shoved into an unfamiliar cage, imagine how traumatic that must have been, then he was taken away from everything familiar and plopped into a brand new environment where everything is terrifying. The TV and the barking dogs may be causing your bird extreme stress.

Remember, this is the very same bird you fell so in love with a few days ago. I know you are excited to have him home. This may not be exactly what you expected, but please take a step back and consider a different approach. Here's a great link to help you get started.


Good luck with your new companion.
I wouldn't worry too much right now. I rehomed a macaw and she is a different bird in my house and different from the day I brought her home. If yours has been handled in the past, you'll get there again after a couple of months of adjustment to the new home. One day the bird will decide to let you handle it. Just give it time. Screeching is another issue. It's like a baby crying and different stuff sets it off. All I can offer is mine is saying "I want something and you haven't done it yet". Mine will do it simply to be watched, to be moved to a stand, to get a bite of food. Heck, yours may want to see the dog today. I don't suggest you cater to what it wants while screeching but if you can figure it out, you can prevent it by making sure you make changes. Try not to give the idea, if you screech I'll give u this. Unless you like the noise. Try to add whatever is lacking to your routine. Best of luck.

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