GCC being not so nice in the mornings


New member
Feb 5, 2014
2 year old GCC
I got a question for you guys. We (my fiance and I) have had our GCC for a bit over a year. He just recently turned two. Things have been going pretty good overall, or as well as one could expect with their first bird. Except...

We have a bedtime cage in our bedroom so he can sleep with us. It's not covered up. We usually go to bed with him on average, about 10 or so. He has a happy hut (we check for loose threads and he hasn't seemed to chew it ever, he's had it since he was a baby in the pet store). We have a bit of food and water in there for him as well as two or so toys.

OLD ROUTINE: We go to bed around 10 with him. I get up around 7 and close the door and leave the better half and Rey in the bedroom. He stays quiet until about 9:00 AM and will start to screech. My fiance will either get up or open the cage. He'll fly to her in the bed and they doze off and on for maybe another half hour together before he really wakes up and gets antsy to take his morning poop. Then it's business as usual. He never lets us sleep past 10. It's not so much a loud scream, as that kind of whiny, "let me out" constant screech. I hope you guys know what i'm talking about. This has been over the winter, so the sun has never been before 8 or so.

NEW ROUTINE: My fiance's career is seasonal. So now she gets up around 6:00 AM and i sleep until 7:00 AM. She leaves the bedroom, closes the door and Rey goes crazy. He screeches that same whiny, "let me out" call right away. I don't like to let Rey sleep with me as i toss and turn like crazy and I dont' really doze, so it's not something I'm comfortable with. We tried to cover up his bedtime cage but it made no difference. I'm sure you guys know, but it is easily the worst way to wake up. I can only think a screaming baby would be worse, but it would be a close draw.

(1) With the sun coming up earlier, even though we have the shades drawn in the bedroom the sun definately does begin to fill the room. but we had him covered with a blanket that i think would have definatley blocked the light out.
(2) He's needy in general. He whines if we are not in the same room as him, and flies to us. Sometimes he just whines for minutes at time without flying. We attribute this to the fact that he still seems to be unused to flying. We've had him flighted before for about two months before clipping his wings. This time he's been growing out his wings since last August and all but one flight feather has grown in. We like him being flighted but he seems to have a bigger attitude due to his increased mobility.
(3) He's chosen my fiance as his mate. He tolerates me and likes me but if he's hanging out on my shoulder and my fiance leaves the room 7/10 times he'll fly to follow her. He always tries to cuddle up with her and be with her 24/7. Part of this reason is she's been working from home the last couple of months and before that she was in college so she was with Rey a lot more than I am. But I have no clue how Rey can tell she left the room instead of me unless he can hear the differences in breathing haha!

So how do I stop Rey from waking me up at 6:30 every day. It's super super annoying. Or is this another aspect of owning a bird to just get used to?

Wow, looking back this is a huge wall of text. I apologize but I have seen on this forum that it can be more helpful when you guys know everything so i've tried to do that.
Is there another room in the house you can put the sleep cage in? I'm guessing the moment he hears you guys are up, no matter what time, he's looking for attention.

If you put him in another room, or even in his regular cage, then cover him up from 10PM-10AM (for example), he 'should' remain quiet while the cage is still covered, and if it's relatively quiet and dark.

All of mine are kept in the family room, and 3 out of 4 get covered, and the blind gets drawn closed when it's bedtime here for them at 8PM. I don't hear a peep out of any of mine until I remove the covers the next morning at 8AM. But THEN it gets noise rather quickly. :D
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That seems to work. Thank you for your helpful advice!
We had to move out GCC into another room too for the same reason. He goes to bed between 7 and 730, and I work at 9 so I'm up at 7 to shower and wake him up around 730 to be let or change his water and feed him. He goes back in around 800 or 815 and I have breakfast then head to work. I've found giving him the early bed time and waking up just before him has worked best in my situation.
I definitely would try another room. JellyBean (our GCC) sleeps in a sleeping cage downstairs in a quiet room. There usually is not a peep out of him until he hears us downstairs. A couple of weeks ago though - whilst my partner was away - I tried him in the bedroom - Disaster - up the following morning at 6am demanding to get up! I think the key is another room!
Looks like they need 10-12 hours of sleep. It is possible that he is actually sleep-deprived but stuck in a cycle. I second the notions about a sleep room.

Looks like they need 10-12 hours of sleep. It is possible that he is actually sleep-deprived but stuck in a cycle. I second the notions about a sleep room.


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SERIOUSLY...I don't know how I stumbled across this ancient thread, but I apologize.

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