GCC and Tiels. Frequent vs loud noise?


New member
Feb 28, 2017
Hi, I am a first time bird owner but I am experienced with animals and training. I was looking at either tiels and GCCs but I want to know about the noise these birds make. I've watched videos of both and read what material I can find, but I'm wondering how frequent they make noise. Tiels seem to be quieter but may be more frequent chirping, which I am not sure I can tolerate having a constant noise all day. I like their noises but I've read where the noise is all day. GCC seem more quiet but CAN get loud. What would you recommend of the 2?
Well...if you can't "tolerate constant noise all day" I suggest you get a fish.
ALL birds make SOME noise..I'm not being sarcastic here.

I have a 'teil...and an Amazon...they both make "noise".
My tiel makes the lovely noises,with his whistling ( He is very good at whistling the Andy Griffith/Addams Family tunes..For a tiel,he talks quite well...and he chirps and warbles and gives kisses.
To me,it is VERY soothing!

I am assuming you are a first time "parront".
Never owning a conure,I don't know much about them,except what I have read from folks here.

If I were new to the bird world ( I am not..I have had birds in my life for 30 years) I would personally go with a Cockatiel..the love and laughter and joy and antics they share,out weighs 1000% any "noise" they make.

Just MHO here...

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Ya I was pretty set on a tiel until I did some specific research on people bad stories of them. I'm now specifically worried about them freaking out whenever I leave the room. I'm ok with normal bird noises.
For some reason, tiels DO experience "night frights"...something spooks 'em and they thrash and go flap flap in their houses SOMETIMES..my BB has done that twice in the year I have had him,once it was because I dropped something on the floor late at night and it scared him.

They won't "freak out" when you leave the room..he/she may CALL for you (whistle..its a flock call,wondering where you went) My BB does that with me,but I am the only one here ( besides Amy the Amazon)

If you deside on a 'tiel..look for a baby..easier to train/tame.
BB was just 4 months old when I got him from a breeder...already handleable,finger tame and eating the PROPER foods..pellets,fruit and veggies..the like crisp veggies.something with a "crunch" to it..raw not cooked and mushy lol.

No well cared for bird will scream all day. A neglected bird will scream all the so the real question you should be asking is how much time do you have to spend with the bird.

I had cockatiels and I now have a black capped conure They are in the same family as the green cheek both are Pyrrhura. Sprinkles makes noise He screams at times and loud but I don't mind it stopes. He is never loud for that long. As long as you never give into the birds screams they just do normal happy screams around noon. I like all the sounds he makes even the screams/calls. Over all he is very quite. Loud only when he wants to be. When I bring the vacuum near him he is the loudest. It's not bad.

My cockatiel was a great bird I loved her. Tilly my Tiel was so sweet and cute and good with everyone. She never would hurt a fly never would bite. Oh she was the best bird ever. Then I gave her to my mom because I was moving and could only take one bird cross country. Looking back I should have kept that little cockatiel one of my biggest regrets was giving her to my mom. My mom spoiled her and gave into all her screams. The tiel became so annoying it got really really bad nonstop calling all day. Long story short my mom had Tilly on her shoulder and when to the door opened the door to shake out a rug and my cockatiel got spooked and flew away. To this day I have not fully forgiven my mom.

It is not the bird or the type of bird it is the lifestyle, training, and time spent that makes a screamer.
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