Galah cage size


New member
Oct 23, 2017
Hi, what would you say is the minimum cage size for a galah?
My husband bought me a cage for my birthday and apparently the people at the shop told him it was big enough for a galah, but I'm not convinced. It is 55cm x 55cm (22x22 inches). They told him that our was fine as long as the bird gets plenty of time or if the cage. But what about when we go to work and he's in his cage for several hours at a time? Or overnight? It seems cruel to keep a bird in a cage that's not big enough for it to even flap its wings.
But he was directed towards this size of cage by 2 different stores so now I'm not sure.
that seems small to me. The cage I have for a GCC is only a couple inches smaller than that and there's a bit of a size difference between those 2 birds

Simplest rule for size is minimum they need to be able to open their wings all the way. Might work as a nice sleep cage maybe?

Also I give up on listening to the people in the stores now, they're not that educated on the stuff there unless it's what they do outside of work and they're really not paid enough to care about it all
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I agree that staff in stores are not very knowledgeable but one of the stores he went to was a specialist bird store :/ I guess they're no better than a regular pet shop.
Google seems to be telling me that I would need a cage that is at least 10cm bigger and even then, that's the bare minimum.
even at a specialist store there's no guarantee they know what they're talking about. I have a friend who works over here at a PC specialist store and he knows nothing about computing outside of the basics. Stores care about money ultimately, so the person who may have encyclopedic knowledge on the things that store sells will be overlooked for the person who is charismatic and can sell things
My two Galahs have cages that are 32”x23” and I consider that the smallest cage suitable. The only reason I have the two smaller cages is because I’m home with them all day and they are only in their cages to sleep. In at 7pm out at 7am every day.


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