Funny Macaw stories


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
This is a place to write about some of the funny things our birds do. You know those silly or ingenious things our birds do that make us laugh or smile that the non-bird lovers in our lives don’t seem to understand why we find it so amusing.

Here are some examples

There will be a place to write about these moments at the top of each of the breed forums. So get those stories rolling…. Oh yeah, stories that have pictures always gets a couple extra brownie points.
I am out and about a great deal with my 3 macaws. The funniest responses I get are from little children. Here are some:
"His feet look like a dinosaur"
"Are you from the zoo or something?"
"I've seen you before, that one's name is Geico" (His name is Kayko)
The one that will stick in my mind forever is I had just put on a little performance with Clifford talking outside the mall and he said several things. As a boy and his mother walked away the boy got really animated and excited and said "Mommy HOW did that man make that bird TALK! He really TALKED, He REALLY DID! He had obviously never been in the presence of a talking bird before.... that is one of the joys of sharing their abilties in public to those who have never seen them
Geeeez I guess macaws just aren't all that funny, almost 1400 views and 4 years later and only one reply :31:, well two now.....sigh
Today was brutally hot here in Jax Florida at 98 so I was working on indoor projects, specificly working on the weatherstripping of the front door. Doogie my Catalina macaw was on top of his cage in the living room and was curious about me lying on the floor putting screws in the sweep at the bottom of the door. He walked all across the livingroom floor (rare) to visit me and poked his head under my wrist to laugh at me putting screws in the bottom of the door
my macaw wanted a fuss while i was busy writing, in the end he flew in to my arms and rolled over on to his back like a dog and said 'tickle'...... how could i not?!
It's not a macaw story but when taking my bird to the horse races with me the other day I was shocked by how many people asked me if he was my lucky charm and how many people asked mikki if he could pick a winner

What amazed me more is I have never heard mikki count but he would always respond with a different number between 1and 12. Lol
I guess that's something to work on as a trick

Yes he's 21 and still teaching me every day that he is capable of learning
new things

I should have started charging people for his advice. Seems I was so busy giving bets I never got to make a bet myself :( ah well next time
my macaw wanted a fuss while i was busy writing, in the end he flew in to my arms and rolled over on to his back like a dog and said 'tickle'...... how could i not?!

is ur macaw saying words at 14 weeks old??
he's 17 weeks now and say's 'hello' and 'tickle' thats it so far! he really listens when i talk to him, taking it all in!
god just wandering cause mine hasnt started saying anything yet
they all take their own time, i know someone with a green wing who didn't start talking til it was a year old. x
Haha. So this is a funny story!

Last night Bella was sitting in her cage while a physician came to the home to check my mom out for her annual "life insurance physical". For the first five minutes they were there Bella was sitting there saying "Step up! Step up! Step up! and the physician was looking around the room for a good 3-4 minutes trying to figure out where in the heck the bird was... and finally after a few minutes I said "Oh that's the bird". It has come so natural to me to hear her chatting away that I didn't realize why he was looking around so much. The look on his face was priceless!!!
I have a rather funny Macaw story from today!

I just joined this forum and then went off to the pet store/breeder (wonderful people but characters) to see my new soon to be baby boy blue and gold. I was sort of hoping for a girl since I have a male GJardine and a male AGC but they did a DNA testing and yep, another boy.

Anyway: I walked into the shop and the owner yells all the way across the shop: "I have your SEX certificate!" lol I about died but now it's official. I have a new boy and I have some people thinking I have a certificate for sex! :p
We just rescued a 10 year old Military Macaw. He loves ladies. If I walk into a room with women present he gets flush red in the face and dances up a storm. He never talks to me but the ladies, you can't shut him up. He is a chick magnet and a great wing man.

I have been training him to do things on command and he picks up on it so quickly. I asked my girl friend if there was anything she wanted me to train him. The answer came back quite quickly, "Step up would be nice". Its true, we always have to coax him to step up and often resort to a stick which it appears he was trained on. While training, he got step up in three tries.

He rides on my shoulder to Dunkin' Donuts and always asks the girls behind the counter "How ya doin'?".
So Bella just about made me roll on the floor from laughter... Last night I got a call from my sister while I was at church and she said "Hey I took Bella out to hold her and she jumped on top of her cage and is standing near the back and I can't get her off". I told my sister to put her phone on speaker and I would tell Bella to get back in her cage. So after telling Bella to "Step up to Jayna (my sister)" Bella walked to the front of her cage yelled at my sister step up & sprinted to the back of her cage. Bella likes to taunt my sister sometimes by the way :p She did this several times until finally my sister gave up. Thankfully my mom was coming home and she was able to grab the bird and put her away.
Eleven years ago the grandkids lived here with us for a year. Then 11 year old Michelle would get my attention by calling me "Papa". Doogie my Catalina macaw learned that calling "Papa" was how you got my attention and never forgot it. Now 11 years later Michelle is grown with two children. Our younger great-granddaughter; Paige stayed over last night and is just learning to say words. After hearing Doogie yell "Papa" hundreds of times she now is saying "Papa" she learned from Doogie. What goes around comes around.
My Hahn's Macaw, Joey, Thinks its hilarious to throw my cell phone onto the floor. No matter where the cell phone is set, he will fly to it and knock it in the floor with a throaty, Very Macaw like, "Ha ha HAAAAAAA"
We take our Harlequin out with us and the kids call me all sorts.
but the funniest was when a small buy said to his dad. "Look that man has a Seagull on his shoulder"
I took my Noble Macaw to a pet blessing. I was so proud I finally taught him how to kiss without sticking his tongue into the mouth so I told the Paster "Say "Gimmi a kiss" and Mihijo will kiss you back" Normally Mihijo will just touch his beak to the lips making the smacking sound. It really is cute. However when the Paster asked Mihijo for a kiss Mihijo replies clear as a bell "No Tounges". Everyone laughed but I was soooo embarrassed.

My Noble Macaw Mihijo is 16 years old as of Feb 27th.

My friend put the piggy parrot into the food container and Mihijo just laid there eating as fast as he could, tail feathers sticking out of the container. I wonder if this was a dream moment for have all the food at his disposal. LMAO.

:blue:My B&G Arthur is 3 yrs old, had him for about 3 weeks now and I am amazed by his antics. His old owner passed away and I guess the family dumped him at a bird store, where I found him a year later. He is a lovebug, preens my hair and gives kisses, now starting to pry my mouth open and steal food from me. I had an orange wing amazon for 30 years who was very much bonded to me and never expected to have a bird bond that strongly to me again. I would love to hear from other macaw owners about their babies and swap stories. Arthur says alot of funny stuff, so his first mom must have loved him a lot. I wonder what makes our birds take one look at us and "choose" us. That was the way it was with my amazon,and I was stunned at the bird store when Arthur did it too.

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