full spectrum lights UVB rating?


New member
Jul 25, 2011
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Monte - Queen of Bavaria
Willow - Blue and Gold Macaw
Does anybody know what rating the UVB lights should be at for birds? I own a featherbrite that goes on top of a dome cage and it's a 15 watt bulb.
The 15 w. is fine. That is the one I use. If any brighter it may damage the eyes.
I also own a bearded dragon and I'm curious what is the proper rating for our birds because when I test it out with my solameter it picks up 0 rating of UVB and my bird is normally right under the light. But I did call featherbrite and they told me the rating is suppose to be 0.5 for the bird and I'm not sure but I have to look into it if my meter can register 0.5 because I know these bulbs if it's like the reptiles ones are only good for 8 months and then they need to be replaced.

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