Fruit Bugs


Aug 30, 2014
Paddy male 8 yr.old GCC Cuddlebug, Emmy female parrotlet RIP Buddy 20 yr. blue headed conure adopted 10/23 Paddy RIP 10/23
Help Folks, I have these tiny bugs hanging around the fruit. They are red and smaller than a pin head. I am afraid they could harm paddy. If I take the fruit they leave but put fresh they're back. Help! Bonita:confused:
Those are fruit flies. They aren't really harmful, but irritating.

If you take a little bowl and put some vinegar and a drop of dish soap in it somewhere the birds can't get to, they'll climb in there and drown. And it helps to not leave fruit out too long. I tend to get them in July-Sept so I usually stick to dried fruit except when I'll be home.
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Dear Phylox, Thanks so much I have 6 dead already .If the birds eat them is it ok?I was wondering if you have any tips to fatten up a green cheek. Paddy is 59 grms. I can't seem to get him any heavier, he was 57 when I adopted him skin and bones. He's flighted and very active .I've had him a year now.Thanks Again,Bonita
I doubt your bird would eat one, but it wouldn't hurt them. People buy cultures of wingless ones to feed baby reptiles (I bred anoles back in the day.)

Your GCC is a bit on the small side, but if he's healthy I wouldn't worry too much. But you can always add extra fat to his diet. Chopped nuts, red palm oil, even bread and butter!
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Dear Phylox,Thanks I'd never thought of bread and butter. Could I ask what you green cheek weighs? Bonita

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