Fred Had a Seizure I think????


New member
May 8, 2013
Pineapple Green Cheek Conure-Fred-Hatch date 3/5/13 --- Bourke parakeet- Pinky - home date 11/27/17---CAG-Chicken Lily-home date 12/1/17
Yesterday while lounging around, holding Fred, Bell decided to land right next to Fred. Well Fred for some reason hating Bell went right on the assault. After about a second they were separated, but then Fred's eyes started to slowly get more and more closed. Then they finally closed and he fell straight onto his beak(on my chest) and his feet curled up as to make a fist. I didn't know what to do so I started to just rub his head. His eyes opened up shortly after and were wide open. Tongue started going a mile a minute in his mouth. Still the whole time I'm just rubbing his neck to try to bring him back. After about two minutes he seemed to come back and looked scared, but I just kept lightly giving him scratches and lightly blowing on him(he likes that) after about another minute of him looking freaked out he slowly returned to his normal self. Took him to the vet and he said it sounded like a seizure, but he wasn't exhibiting any behavior at the time. Did draw some blood but I won't know results until tomorrow. Anyone else ever experience something like this or know what type of symptoms to look for as far as a bird seizure?

Also Fred is his normal self today. Could it have been the sudden excitement to set this off? Why would this happen now? Should I keep Fred in the dark for the time being? Could the TV have done it?

Sorry for the questions, but I am lost in thought about this and just trying to figure things out until I hear from the vet tomorrow.

:( :confused: :( :confused:
I'm so sorry, that must have been a terrifying experience. I can't answer your questions about seizures, but I know some of our members can, hopefully they will see your post and be able to offer advice. I wish you the best, I hope your vet is able to pinpoint the cause and treat your little one.

Please keep us updated.
Poor little Fred hope all goes well and someone can give you Amazon had a stroke right in front of me and I had no clue what was happening..I'm much more educated now becuz of all the great advice from this forum..keep us updated.
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So the blood work came back Ok so I don't know what happened. Vet said maybe because he went from scared to aggressive it may have just upped his heart rate and could have caused it. It's goofy because from what I've read that's more of a budgie thing than a parrot thing. I donno. More questions than answers. I just have to be more vigilant when they are out together so there's no more scares.
I'm glad to hear the blood work results were all good. I hope this is just a random event and will never be repeated. Be Well Wishes for Freddy.

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