Franklin preening Pictures


New member
May 30, 2011
4 Cockatiels 2 males Chicken Little & Charlie, 2 Females Chiquita and Sweet pea. Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure -Franklin and our now tame, rescued feral Pigeon - Belle.
Hey everyone,

Had some time a few days ago to take pictures of our guy, Franklin that I wanted to share. They were taken with a Canon T3 using a 100-300mm lens.

So I've read that birds have some kind of an oil gland at or near the base of their tail that they use to get oils on their beak, then preen the oils onto their feathers. I'm guessing that unusual white "feather" is his oil gland. Interesting to see it!

And in one picture he almost looks like he's dancing :D

Anyway, here's our guy! Pictures are not altered or enhanced in any way. He really IS that bright!

Franklin is 8 months old now, his hatch date was March 15th, 2011.

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He's so beautiful and he looks so happy! I love yellow-sided green cheeks.
OMG i love the third pic he looks like he is in some russian ballet or something. It made me crack up laughing when i saw it. All he needs is some tights!
What great pics. I love how they can twist their heads and bodies in all different directions.

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