One of my daughters, Holly, rescued a mockingbird that some jerk had used as a football!
I argued with her and tried to make her realize there was nothing we could do, but, Holly!!
The little fid lived with us for about 2 months, in our screened in pool area. After a bit, other mockingbirds from outside the area started taking interest in her and they would interact through the screen. We started letting her go in and out of the enclosure as she wanted, she would leave during the day be with the other birds and then always return at dusk. Then one day she stopped returning in the evening, but for several days, would allow us to walk right up to her and take food. Over the month, she slowly lost that level of trust. A very good thing!
The next spring, she was back- with a family! We were sure it was her because she would hang within a few feet of us as long as we remained quiet and didn't try to approach her,
This is such the exception, but was an awesome experience!