I was walking my dogs this morning when I saw a rainbow lorikeet sitting on the footpath. The local fitness club had 20 odd people running the streets and this little bird was very frightened. When the little bird walked/ran/ jumped onto the street I realised that it was either injured or a baby. So off came my top (glad I had a singlet underneath as it was only about 8C) and I thrust my dogs leads into the chest of the first runner heading my way telling them to hold them whilst I picked up the bird. I now have a baby lorikeet, I'm guessing about 2 months old as the beak is black with just a hint of orange starting to come through. Not surprisingly it doesn't recognise wet/dry mix, bottlebrush flowers, apples or bananas. After an hour or two, when it had calmed down a bit, I spoon fed it. It seemed to get the hang of it fairly quickly.