Foster CAG lunged and flew at my face to attack


New member
Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
SI Eclectus (Ruby) - 11 / Eclectus (Wrangler) - 7 / Eclectus (Pinto) - 6 /
Red Sided Eclectus (Oliver) - 4 mos. /
White Bellied Caique (Dan) - 2 /
Foster Congo African Grey (Molly) - 6
Thank you for your replies. It's me she doesn't like. She does well with most everyone else so we have decided to bow out sooner rather than dragging it out. She deserves happiness and her forever family.
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How long have you had this bird? It could be that he/she is still uncertain of her new surroundings and of the new faces he/she sees.

That stinks, but you do have to do what is best for you and your own well being. especially if you have other circumstances.

Good luck.
Greys are tough nuts to crack. They have a very hard time adjusting to loss of a flock member or friend. Once you bond with a grey they will remember you for life. This poor girl is just mourning the loss of her flock and adjusting to this strange new life. Lots of time and patients will get through to this bird. She needs a foster home that can handle and understand this huge life change and the way it is impacting her. My suggestion is to find someone who is very experienced with greys to take her on as a permanent foster to adopt. The best thing for this bird is to get into a home she can work on creating a bond with and transition into a new permanent family.

In the meantime. Understand. She has just suffered a huge life changing loss. She will act in ways she would not normally. Do not take it personally. Everyone deals with loss differently.
Thank you all. She has been fine since it happened but it was pretty shocking. We have decided to try finding someone better suited. She does well with everyone but me so I am thinking there is something about me she's decided she doesn't like. It's unfortunate but she deserves every chance for happiness.
Hey Brit,

Sympathies to you - had a similar experience with a rescue cockatoo we were hoping to be a forever home to.

Hopefully you were able to identify some characteristics about yourself or your environment that might be good to avoid for the poor girl's next home.
It's taken our CAG a good 9 months to tolerate my presence. He loves my partner, but only recently started tolerating me.
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