Foraging toys & favorite treats for a clever bird


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
Sidney is getting bored with his toys. New toys or rotated toys, they don't seem to hold his attention much. Lately he has taken to wanting to run around on the floor exhibiting foraging behavior. Which would be fine and I would make a game out of it except he jumps down when I'm not looking or he runs under a cage to find what might have been dropped. Don't want to step on the little brat or have him find something that is soiled that I didn't get a chance to clean up. I have gotten him a couple of foraging toys and he solved them quickly. The "Barrel-o-fun" he solved in under a minute. So I'm looking for some tougher to figure out toys and good, healthy treats to go in them. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions to keep a very clever Senegal occupied. He is by far the most challenging bird to keep busy that I've had.
Wow James, it's interesting how some Poichephaus are more on the sedate side like my Robin (Red Bellied) and some other Poi's I've heard about, then on the other hand there's your Sidney and my Griffin (Ruppell's) who are very clever!

I hear you about them being on the floor... I discourage it as much as possible since IMO they're too small to be on the floor, and it's dangerous. I've almost trampled Griffin before.

Griffin is so active I call him my "busy beaks". Constantly playing with all sorts of toys. I have easier foraging toys because Robin and my Pionus Raven can't figure it out if it's not REAL simple lol. Since Griffin seems more talented, I may have to get some more challenging toys for him to try out.

One that Griffin really loves and never seems to tire of, is this one pictured in the link below. I've since put various beads and balls into it, and he has a blast getting them out. He's gotten much better at figuring out foraging since I posted that thread. Some of the new objects I'm really surprised he can get out! Raven tries, but he just can't do it like Griffin lol.

Maybe try some of the plastic foraging 'smart toys' that look a bit harder. The kind you'd give to a Cockatoo. See how Sidney does!
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Good luck with that! My Sydney won't stay on his cage either and when I catch him running around and go to pick him up he flips on his back on the floor. I'm not sure whether he thinks he's being cute or whether he thinks it's a better position from which to fight.
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That is amusing. Sid does the same kind of thing. Sometimes he flips onto his back ready to grab with beak or feet. Other times he hunches down and half rolls onto his side and grips onto the carpet tightly. He clicks his beak at me but has never gotten aggressive unless he has something that he wants to hold on to. Nutty little things they are.
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Well, he got himself into a little predicament today. I was cleaning the cages and he went after the paper I used to line the trays. I figured that I'd let him have a piece so that I could get some peace while doing the job. It suddenly got quiet so I looked and saw this.

How embarrassing... :D

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