foraging DIY (to keep our fids busy this weekend!)


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Dallas and Tsukasa (Cockatiels)
Mango and Munchlax (Peach Faced Lovebirds)
this weekend we are going camping for just 2 nights, a relatively short stay (leaving friday night, coming home sunday around noon, so fids will be okay with someone to check in on them and feed them.

but, making a bunch of foraging toys for them. tomorrow we are packing and cleaning, so we wont have as much time to devote to the fids as normal, so also some toys to keep them busy while we are busy :D

i still have to come up with something for Munch though. as always she is complicated.

the small grid-like foraging toy is for in the cage, the tiels already had this one, i just refilled it and added a few things. the larger one however is for their playgym for the day we clean and pack for them to play with! the big one is stuffed with almonds (the tiels go nuts for them), squash seeds, cantaloupe seeds, dried veggies (from a treat mix), and a bunch of shredders. some foot toys and other goodies are stuffed inside--some are easy to remove, some are more challenging.

these are made using plastic bead containers and 1/2" plastic mesh

the paper bag and the little paper sacs are filled with Hagen Tropimix and secured shut with zip ties. these are for over the weekend. the bag is for mango, the little ones are for the tiels.

and little foot toys for the tiels bucket (they like to throw out the foot toys)

and i put the big forager up, i cant wait to see the tiels in action with it tomorrow! my husband may get irritated with me for stopping what i am doing to take photos of them haha

if i come up with more ideas, i'll post them here. and if i get photos of the birds playing with the toys, i'll post those here as well.

busy busy busy, but hopefully i'll have some busy beaks this weekend! i cant wait to come home and see the damage (i'll try to post photos of that as well when we come home lol)
Thanks for posting, some really good easy cost effective ideas. Unfortunately for me though, my Cocky's would demolish those in a matter of seconds lol. :)
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lol i dont think they'd withhold to strong beaks any time soon D: my guys are all littles :D
Wow those foraging toys are awesome
You birds definitely will not be bored at all.
So much to "investigate" and "explore"

A job well done

Thanks for sharing
Love it!

I got a hay feeder for my tiels and add hay. They seem to enjoy munching on it and pulling it all out.

Also came across a suit feeder for wild birds and thought about doing something similar with it! Only with more items!
Very cool idea! I am adopting 2 (hopefully) Linnies next month. These are great ideas!!
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i got some photos :D

she went straight for the almonds lol
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and i got the video uploaded :D

[ame=]Dallas and the Foraging Toy - YouTube[/ame]
Nice job! It looks like a party in a cage!
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my tree is on top of the cage, but i have a lot of natural branches inside their cage too :)

soooo... the verdict on the mess.

mango went through all of his foraging toys. the tiels went through two of their other foraging toys (ignored all but one of the paper foragers). they loved the playing cards i left in their cage before we left, and everyone is all good but very excited to see us home. dally especially is running all over to follow me lol she screamed the loudest when she saw me. it's good to be home :D
I love, love, LOVE the grid foragers! What an awesome idea! Will definitely be giving these a go!
Wow!!! What great ideas!!! Lucky birdies!!
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I love, love, LOVE the grid foragers! What an awesome idea! Will definitely be giving these a go!

they're so easy, the only tricky part is adjusting the twine or zip-ties to hold the mesh without slipping off lol

if you use zip-ties, make sure you file down any cut tie, because they have an incredibly sharp edge when cut.

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