For old time's sake ...


New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
For old timeā€™s sake ā€¦

Well, this evening I will begin my last pet sitting gig ā€¦ I havenā€™t pet sat for several months now, but I promised one of my favorite clients that I would cover for them while they celebrate their 20th anniversary. This will be a hard one when I finish up on Sunday. I had my business for nearly 3 Ā½ years and I closely tied my identity to it and its success (and, it was quite successful). I closed (unofficially) just after Memorial Day weekend rush (I still am in the process of the paperwork end of closing things down). From there, I had a bit of a nervous breakdown as Iā€™d felt in closing Iā€™d failed. But, I simply woke up one morning (feeling like a tattered rag doll) and announced that I didnā€™t have the energy or wherewithal to keep going at the speed and rate I was going. I had routine, on-going weekday jobs as well as worked most all evenings until 10pm (beginning my days a 5 or 6a), weekends beginning at 5a-6am going through 10pm and all (bar none) holidays. This last Fourth of July was the first holiday I have gotten to spend with my husband for over 3 years. It used to be that I would only get one weekend off every 8-12 weeks.

I miss my business (not the committed hours) tremendously. I love animals and the care of animals. I love the diverse pets that were in my charge. This weekend I will be working for one of my very first clients, and very favorite clients. They have two doggies and a horse (my absolute favorite horse I care for).

Anyway, when I pay my last visit Sunday morning, I will be saying goodbye permanently to pet sitting and it will be a sad thing, once again. In the early stages of business start-up, I didnā€™t have much support; people didnā€™tā€™ think I could make it flyā€”but I did, and quite successfully. Hope this weekend and saying goodbye doesnā€™t throw me into another funk.

Iā€™ve been sort of ā€œlostā€ (so to speak) since closing. I donā€™t really know what I want to do now or even what Iā€™m qualified for. I know more of what I donā€™t want rather than what I do want. But, Iā€™m not going to worry about my future until after we return from our trip to Montana ā€¦ then, Iā€™ll see what may be on the horizon.
Anna hope it goes well with the pet sitting but more importantly with the ending of the pet sitting. Theres only so much that we can do, and you've done it. You now have time with your husband, and your fids and for all the things that you've missed out on over the years. Don't think of this as a failure, more of a moving on. You put your whole life into this business and now its time for you and your family. :D

When are you off to Montana? Hey I know you've already said but its getting late, and I've been so busy I'm lucky if I remember to drink let along anything else. :D
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Peta, thank you for the support and kind words.

I went for my pet sitting visit tonight ... oh god, it was so very difficult; much more so than I thought it would be. Dan went with me (as he usually does to help me with my horse) ... the whole time I was there, I kept repeating, "Oh, god, I miss this, I miss my animals, my pets, my dogs, everything ... I just miss it tremendously" ... the puppies were so very happy to see me and loved every minute of attention I gave them. The horse let me nuzzle her, coo her and scratch her nose (the flys were biting fiercely)--she especially love her grain and we always make a game of it and it makes her very happy.

I miss everything but the hours. I'm just too damned old to keep up with the requirements of the hours. I was fairly well on call 24/7 ... just couldn't do it any longer :( ... and it makes me very sad.
Anna, I agree with Peta, this is more of a moving on than it is you failing...Failing would be if you tried to start a business, got a couple clients, they hated you, and no one would ever hire you again...THE EXACT OPPOSITE happened. You had a great, booming business, you were in high demand, and it is just too much. It's a great quality to know when you need to make a change for your well-being, and you did! I too used to pet sit a lot (didn't have my own business), but it was only between 2 families, but they were always on vacation! Chase helped a lot, but it got to the point where we didn't have time to spend with our own animals sometimes and that didn't seem fair. So moving to get to vet school was a great excuse to stop pet-sitting, as much as I loved the animals and the families. So I can only imagine how thinly you were stretched with an entire business with clients in need of pet sitting...I guess I'm getting verbose and redundant now, but I'm glad you made the right choice for yourself, and you definitely didn't fail anyone. Please don't let it get you down :)
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Thanks you guys. You are so supportive and encouraging.

I finished up my "job" and it was bittersweet. I love this client and their pets and the 'work' is fulfilling and rewarding. And, I did this for them free as a gift for their 20th anniversary. They didn't know I was going to do that, but I did. They are very sad that I am closing and have been trying to encourage me to pet sit on a limited basis. But, I just can't. Pet sitting (as a profession) is an all or nothing proposition. And, I would have to be ready to commit to all early mornings, mid-days, evenings, nights, all weekends and all major and minor holidays, plus summer travel times.

I loved my business, but I just don't think I have the energy left to continue. So, I really do think this is 'goodbye' ... and the thing is that this is a great client with a great crew and a GREAT way to end my career ... on a positive, upbeat note.

This client happens to be the people I am working for currently ... and as I left work today, the gentleman rushed out to meet me outside to thank me again ... and I told him (sincerely) no problem, it was my pleasure completely. He then told me that they absolutely wanted to know when/if I reopen (he's still holding out hope!). I told him the thought has crossed my mind, but that I would let him know for sure if I have a change of heart.

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