

New member
Jul 31, 2016
I have had Ringo (IRN) for about 3 weeks now. His previous owners were giving him cockatiel seed which is also what the pet store suggested as well. The only thing is, I've watched him eat over the past 3 weeks and he only eats the sunflower seeds and maybe one other seed from it. The rest he just throws out of his bowl. Does anyone know of a better seed to get him or maybe someone that is feeding their Indian ringneck something different? I got him a fruit blend to go along with his seed because he will not eat dried fruits that I have bought him.

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I give mine pellets, and a variety of fruit and vegetables (can be raw, cooked or dried - mine prefers raw)
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I give mine pellets, and a variety of fruit and vegetables (can be raw, cooked or dried - mine prefers raw)

Thank you for your reply. I've thought about just giving the pellets but I was thinking a different seed with sunflower seeds also.. Id hate to take away the favorite part of his food if you know what I mean. ;) I do give him veggies and fruit which he loves! Just wasn't sure if he needed the seed also.

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Usually I do use sunflower seeds in training (or walnuts - my bird won't eat seed) or you can give a bit a few times a week (I think some people do that on here) the main thing being that sunflower seeds are high in fat...
sunflower seeds are good but as Raixalotto said they're very high in fat, only good on occasion or as a treat.

i recommend slowly weaning him off the cockatiel food by mixing it in with it a little at a time until the 'tiel food is all gone. i also think you should only put maybe one or two sunflower seeds in there from now on until he can control himself.
and he should also be eating some pellet mixed into that as well

i used to make my own parakeet food but i found a shop (where i got Nyla, actually!) that makes it and sells it in bulk for very cheap (for every species if you wanna check it out) but basically bird food is made up of all the stuff we can eat too

my Nyla LOVES grapes and raisins. goes crazy over them. so maybe try some fresh fruit if he doesnt like dry!
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Thank you all for responding. I have heard the seeds are high in fat. Sad thing is, this bird has been eating that for 10+ years! Yikes! I might try the weaning him off method and see how that works for him. Thanks again!

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