Food question for my future baby


New member
Feb 17, 2012
Katy, TX
Tiels- Calypso & Syrio~
GCCs- Turq- Midori & Luna
Pine-Moonshine, YS-Sunshine ~
Linnies - Yoshi & Sonic~
Letties - Link and Nimbus~
Ok so I have a question for you veteran green cheek owners : ) I am getting everything that I can think of ready for my baby to come home next month. Squeek! I am so excited. I have my nice, big cage all ready, equipped with lots of toys, perches, a swing, a sleep corner, and 3 stainless food bowls, with backups so I can run through the dish washer daily. I also have a play gym all set up that is on the end table right next to me, with all kinds of fun stuff.

My question is about food. My baby will be weened to Zupreem fruit blend pellets, so that is what I got first to start her on. As a seed mix to add IN SPARINGLY I got Kaytee fortified eggcite for conures. I also have sugar gliders so I always have fresh and frozen fruits and veggies. In my excitement today, I got all my frozen mixes out and pulled 2 weeks worth out and diced, frozen mango, papaya, strawberry, grapes, pineapple,blackberry and peaches. I also added broccoli, squash, chinese corns, carrot, peas, limas, peas and corn. I measured out about a 3rd cup and snack bagged them to put in the freezer. I know I can add eggs to this mix, either boiled or scrambled. What else if any am I missing other than some fresh fruits and veg which I always have?

Please and thank you : )
Sounds like you're really prepared! :) You could add some nuts for treats too. Almonds, pecans, etc. Unsalted, and raw. I would stay away from peanuts though.
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OOPS, forgot to add my treats! I got some nutriberries, and some yogurt covered sunflower seeds also. I plan on using the sun seeds during training if my baby likes them. Yes, i will get some raw nuts too! Thx!
It sounds like you are all set! Nutriberries are great for treats because they have all those added vitamins and minerals. And if you ever need to medicate your bird, you can break them in half and put meds on the inside part, let them soak in an dry, and the bird will usually eat them all up.

Don't go overboard on eggs; just once in awhile.

They also love pasta with tomato sauce so when you make spaghetti or anything like that, give them some of that as well. My conure loves it so much I can't even say that word in front of her. I also can't say "veggies":p
Sounds like you're all set! Excited for you : )
Take a look at bountiful harvest small size on Most of our birds love it. Suggest you leave out sunflower seeds due to the fat content. I do not see grains in your mix. When you cook brown or wild rice save some for bird. Also quiona, oatmeal, hemp seeds and couscous are very nutricious.
Yes, mine also likes brown and wild rice. They also like multi grain cereals (without sugar)and breads. They can also have a bit of cooked chicken or turkey, but avoid fattier meats and especially ground meat, which can contain trace amounts of E. Coli no matter how well it is cooked. If you put meat in your spaghetti sauce, take some of the sauce out before adding the meat for your birds.
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Thx so much guys! I have oatmeal in my pantry, I also cook some kind of pasta once a week, so pasta with tomato sauce shouldn't be a problem either. I can get some reg cheerios also. I always have honey nut in my pantry. I figured anytime I cooked some chicken, I'd set aside a little for her, as I usually do for my gliders. Thx so much again for all your help!!!!
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OMG Spirit!!! That bountiful harvest looks FANTASTIC!!!! I may switch my baby to that after a bit!!!
OMG Spirit!!! That bountiful harvest looks FANTASTIC!!!! I may switch my baby to that after a bit!!!

I'm definitely going to order some as well when I order all the other things on her site I want. Everyone here seems to think it's awesome, so I'm sure my birds will, too.
Everything in moderation IMO. They will usually let you know what they like best. My experience with my Green Cheeks they love their veggies, I don't feed a lot of fruit these days, to much sugar content. They love chillies & their raw almonds, also passionfruit is a hit. Yesterday i bought figs for the first time I was surprised that the GCC's had a go at it.

Where I live we don't get the special range of packaged foods you guys have available so we have to mostly have fresh foods. But it works very well for me.
I feed a lot more veggies than fruit as well. Veggies tend to be more nutrient dense. Yes, in the US we seem to have a lot of food these days that cater to single people and families with both parents working. I can feed a large variety of veggies if I buy frozen. Then I can mix in a bit of this, a bit of that. As a person that can no longer eat veggies myself due to a digestive disease, and only having 3 birds, it sure makes things convenient.

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