Followed the forums advice and got the macaw bite


New member
Nov 13, 2013
Ziggy (African Grey) and Elvis B&G
So i was visiting with El on sunday giving her scratches. She suddenly popped her head up and lifted her foot up like she wanted to step up, which is very rare. i figured ok i'll bite and put my hand out for her, next thing i know she has her foot wrapped around my pointer and is holding on as tight as she can. First thought that hit me was "oh crap" then the beak started coming down, i figured well they said dont be intimidated so lets see what happens. She then proceeded to gently lick my finger and very very gently bite my finger she did this a couple of times and then decided to let go

it proved to me that we've come a very long way from when she first came into my home. So thank you all again for all of your advice
HAHAHAHAHAH, Chris! I would have given anything to see your face as Elvis took your finger into his beak. :D Did you need a diaper? (Just kidding!!!)
Chris, Congrats on the great progress with Elvis! I bet you needed to remind yourself to breathe for a few seconds.
Congrats on passing your first "test":D I'd say 99 times out of 100, when the beak is approaching your fingers, it's for reasons other than inflicting a bite. It's when people jerk their hand away all of a sudden they get a chomp. Glad you did not pull away and had that special bonding moment! Playing with your fingers gently is a sign he likes you:)
Oh, I had to hold my breath while reading your post! I'm so glad the outcome was good, now I can breathe again!!! :)
My little GCC does a similar thing with my finger tips! I used to get bit all the time from pulling away. They really are mini-macaws.

Congrats on your progress :)
Congrats on passing your first "test":D I'd say 99 times out of 100, when the beak is approaching your fingers, it's for reasons other than inflicting a bite. It's when people jerk their hand away all of a sudden they get a chomp. Glad you did not pull away and had that special bonding moment! Playing with your fingers gently is a sign he likes you:)

Or if they sense fear... you over react... they see the panic in your eyes...
The AH-HAH! moment...

You had the other kind of AH-HAH moment... looks like we've established some two-way trust here.
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Thanks everyone, she's beaked my hand before when sitting on me this was the first time in the cage. what worried me the most this time was she was holding my finger has hard as she could with her foot which was new.
Thanks everyone, she's beaked my hand before when sitting on me this was the first time in the cage. what worried me the most this time was she was holding my finger has hard as she could with her foot which was new.

It happens.

I get that when my birds are in "clingy bird" mode... THAT'S GENERALLY MACAW FOR I DON'T WANT YOU WALKING AWAY FROM ME.

Your other hand is free in case he tries something evil, just gently push the beak away if he tries anything. Usually it's right there scratching a head anyway, so just reach a couple of fingers around and push the beak away IF he tries to latch on...


Another trick is to blow on the top of their head, or do something like wiggling the cage/door they are standing on to distract them...

Stuff like that, simple tricks, if they are acting up, let's them know you're paying attention, and you're not having any of that...


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