Follow up on Taino's cere


New member
Sep 20, 2013
In a jungle in Puerto Rico
I have an amazon parrot named Taino El Bravo
Hi all,

Taino and I are new here. Several days ago I posted in another forum (was not aware how this worked:confused:) about Taino's swollen cere. We moved to Puerto Rico last year and live in the country. We have critters here from red ants, mosquitoes, roaches, you name it!! Occasionally I find ants wondering in my little guy's cage. Three days ago I noticed Taino's left cere was pinkish and swollen. It is very hot here!!! I figured it could be the heat. He was scratching a lot too due to molting. I was very concerned about his cere. I called a vet's office and was told to just continue monitoring him. If any signs of lethargy, not eating, and change in stool occurred to bring him in.

Two nights ago I risked dabbing a bit (very, very slightly and just a touch) of cultivate ointment (an antibiotic) on his cere with my fingertip. I was careful with this. The next day Taino's cere was fine!!! No redness and swelling vanished!! Like I said....I took the risk of doing this only put a DAB on his cere. We don't have an avian vet where I live unfortunately. The closest one is about 1.5 hours from here.

These changes in environment are an eye-opener. Living in California was a synch. Taino's vet was only 2 miles from me. Our home was critter free and not hot. Now, with our new environment, I have to be abreast watching Taino closely. Thanks for reading!! Comments welcomed.:green1:
I am glad to hear everything turned out well for Taino. Sorry to hear about the pest problem though.
How you like it living there???? Did you get Taino from there or did Taino moved there with you?
I'm in Central America and here are somethings I do to keep bugs out. Luckily none of my amazons have gotten bitten so far. :)

Try to keep the cage as clean as possible. I clean the amazons cage a minimum of three times a day (morning, lunch, and bed time).

At night time remove all food except for water.

Clean your entire house in the morning and at night. All food should be sealed up.

Don't let fresh fruit and veggies be out for too long. I keep changing them through out the day along with their water.

If you see one bug and are able to kill it - kill it. Especially ants. I kill Mosquitos, bees, just about any insect that can harm them.

Keep the cage on a table. Just in case one day you get a line of ants you are able to quickly break it off by lifting the cage.

Keep checking on them through out the day even if they're in their cage.

If there are more bugs out than usual, bring them inside. Clean their cage, and change food and water. If possible use the mosquito net on their cage.

If you can't supervise them then don't leave any fresh food. Just dehydrated fruits and veggies, and seeds as it doesn't attract as much bugs.

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