Flying to me...Iris Update


New member
Jun 16, 2014
I thought it might have been a fluke, but apparently not. Today is the third day in a row that Iris has sought out my attention by flying from her cage to find me. She's getting to be a really adept flyer too -- she can make u-turns and hairpins turns with ease. She's got a couple stations in the house; her cage/playstand, another playstand in the living room, a big basket stand in my office.

This morning she flew into the kitchen and landed on my hand (I heard her coming, she is a noisy flyer) while I was making bird breakfast with Phlox. Last night she flew into the living room and did the same thing to hang out and watch TV with us.

It so exciting...she's still not wanting any touching and maybe that's just her way, but she's seeking out our attention now!
This is how it started with Sally all those years ago. I was putting groceries away in the kitchen, and she just out of the blue flew from her cage door to my shoulder...

So, I think it's the start of something.

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