Flying Problem


New member
Dec 29, 2013
Green Cheek Conure
Rory is now nearly a year old and his flight feathers have finally grown back (had them clipped at first to help taming process) and he loves flying around the room and investigating everything. However a problem arises whenever I go to leave the room for a couple of minutes at a time as he flies onto my shoulder constantly and won't let me leave (he can't always come with me as sometimes the dog is out).

Any ideas how to discourage him from flying onto me whenever he chooses? I don't want to clip his wings again as I like him being fully flighted as he gets lots of excercise.
I think that rather than teaching him NOT to fly to you, start station training. So, teach him to stay when you put him a certain place. Then when you have to leave the room, and he flies to you, simply put him on his place, and hurry back. The other, easier option, and also the safest option, is to simply return him to his cage while you are away. Much better for him than clipping his wings :)

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