Flying Conure Plz help


New member
May 14, 2011
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Hello all!
I just adopted a 10 week old Jenday Conure. Her name is Kiwi and she's adorable. However, she likes to fly around the house and i'm afraid she is going to get hurt. The breeder I bought her from said that her wings are clipped and I don't see any flight feathers, but she still can gain quite a bit of altitude and get around the house. How do I train her to stop flying into things and away from us?
Thanks in advance!:rainbow1:
Take her in to a vet to have her reclipped. The breeder may not have her clipped good enough.
Babies naturally like to explore. We usually teach them to fly back to us by waving our arms around and offering a "landing spot" with our arms/fingers. Also, you can try to reduce the behavior by going & getting them time after time until they settle down.

It's normal & healthy to fly, but you can make a fun game out of it by teaching the bird to fly back & forth between people. At 10 weeks old you can expect a lot more flying but as your bird matures this will probably happen a lot less, the bird will want to spend more time with you.

Best of luck!
If your comfortable clipping her wings yourself here is a link. When they clipped Kiwi they may not have clipped enough feathers.

Clipping The Wing

However if you prefer Kiwi to be able to fly as she is leave her be she will get used to landing & won't hurt herself. If you trim to many feathers off she won't be able to glide down & will flop & then she could hurt herself. Just don't take her outdoors because she would fly a fair distance.
Conures are excellent fliers and are know to still retain the ability to fly, even after a wing clip. This is not unusual. You will have to bird proof you home by not having windows to exposed and mirrors can be covered. Teach the bird that there is glass at the window by taking it close and let her peck the glass.
To have them clipped during training is crucial especially if they're flying away from you. If you handfed the baby is one thing, easier to train to fly to you on command. If the bird don't really know you that well it is best to clip or if they would come to you on their own, no need to clip.

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