Flighted African Grey's Unite!


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Dec 5, 2015
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I want too let my CAG go through his first molt
And let him be flighted.. (He's clipped now)

And there are not many videos and pictures online of flighted African Grey's
.. So if anyone have any African Grey's that are flighted.. Please Share
Some videos and pics!

My Grey is almost 12 years old and he's flighted. He was properly fledged and has really only been clipped once in his life that I can recall. He isn't a very good flier, though. He drops like a rock. He's a very large Grey, one of the largest I've ever seen even. I can't imagine him sailing gracefully through the skies. He is a klutz, and lands like flightless bird. I always tease him and say he must be descended from the sedentary sentry branch of his family, the "police force" if you will, "town criers," because he sure wouldn't be leading any fly-abouts. I still religiously carry him in his carrier to and from the outdoor aviary, just in case he magically became a good flier overnight, but, sorry, no videos of this guy flying. . . even fully flighted he seldom flies further than from his cage to the dinner table.
I'm considering allowing mine to be a flyer. I'll let it come naturally if she wants to be that kind of bird.
I don't think confetti knows how to fly. Her wings aren't clipped, and she will exercise flap, and use them to jump, but she seems to take extra care to avoid situations where she might need to fly. She kinda goes in to a "prepare to launch" position , and will stay that way like she is *really* contemplating it for several minutes, but then stops. At this point we just kinda take it as her "take me there" or "come get me" pose.
My Obie is also flighted, she also very clumsy. She doesn't fly very often, mostly to come to me when she gets up in the morning. She doesn't just fly around. She flies with a purpose. She also avoids flying, if she can get you to pick her up, she will. It is nice to be woken up by her though.
Our Reno is flighted, but he's not very good at it. I suspect it's because he's always been indoors, and spent most of his time on top of & inside his cage. Most of the time he's free to fly anywhere in the house he wants, but he chooses not to.

Now, even though all his feathers have grown back in (he was a chewer), he's still not a good flier - I like to say he has a glide path like a greased crowbar. He can fly anywhere he likes, as long as it's down!

My YNA is the same - he's lousy at it, too. I'm sure, in the wild, both of them would be good fliers, but indoors they just don't get the practice.

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