Flight training an adult parrot


Active member
Jun 15, 2022
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Red-lored amazon hybrid
I've had my amazon for 9 months now, a rescue that has been in a cage for 10+ years and I thought I'd ask here, how can I get around getting him back to flying?

I have my bribes, but I'm not sure what I can do that won't cause the bird anxiety. Open to any suggestions, thank you for reading
I'd suggest harness training him, that way he gets outside safely. Some folks fly their parrots with harness on and a really long retractable dog lead.
I'd suggest harness training him, that way he gets outside safely. Some folks fly their parrots with harness on and a really long retractable dog lead.
Thanks ^^ though what do I do once the harness is on?
You take him outside and let him experience the wide world! Most parrots LOVe being outside and using a harness keeps them safe from flying away, which can happen even to the most trained and smart parrots. We have a member here who flew his macaw several times a week for years and years. But one day a chance noise (ladder crashing to the ground) and his much loved macaw took off in fright never to be seen again. Free flying always has risks - sudden frights, predators, and just plain stubborn parrots.
Out and about training usually works wonders for a zon. Brings out their personality. I actually do this for all my birds during the socialization process. I believe in getting them out into the world. One of the major benefits aside from socialization is that they become more adaptable and less fearful around new things/people/change.

It improves their behavior in my opinion.

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