Flaxseed... I read only 1/4 1/5 teaspoon, why?


New member
Sep 18, 2013
I've read on other threads that it's recommended you only give literally 1/4 a teaspoon of flaxseeds to parrots (in my situation a COG Parrot)

Why is this, can I give 1 teaspoon or half a teaspoon daily without worry?

I plan to give my COG seeds daily, not too much.. Consisting of

half teaspoon Flaxseed
1 teaspoon Hempseed
1 Teaspoon Sesameseed
Perhaps it's the fat content?
I read just 2% if their daily diet because of the fat content.
I give my birds flax seed, throw it in with their seed(finches/canaries) I have no idea how much they eat or if at all, but it's there if they want it :)
I don't feed flaxseed too much either, however, you should GRIND THEM before feeding...
Flax seeds are very hard to crack for most birds, and they are nutritionally more beneficial when they have been pulverized/grounded. Grounding Flax Seeds also release beneficial fatty acids. It is best to buy them whole and grind them fresh as the shelf life of grounded Flax is not long as opposed to whole. I sprinkle it on their food or add it in their bread.
I know horses do not have to have them grounded because they can "masticate" them...
Get a copy of the book "what happened to my peanuts" which is written by one of the makers of the brand-name "top pellets". There are the closest thing to an authority to this kind of feeding that I know of for parrots

Also, your bird is a Congo African grey, not a machinery part, abbreviated as CAG ;-)

By the way, Congo African grays are prone to clogged arteries. Keep that in mind with the kind of fats you feed.

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