Fischers, masked, peach face differences


New member
Jan 22, 2012
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Las Cruces, NM
Pineapple Turquoise Greencheek Conure-Ivy❤️, Male Cockatiel-Lusa (aka Bub =D)
Hello i've never had a lovebird but i know a couple people that do and they are VICIOUS! i think they had peachfaced lovebirds if i remember correctly, but anyway is there a big diffence in temperment, attitude, and personality between the different species? I don't know if theres any more species if there is i would like input on them too thanks:) i also heard at about the age of 3 is when they "turn". is this true?
lovebirds are wonderful little parrots. they are very feisty and can be nippy, but with proper training, are real "love birds" (get it? :D). at around 2 years of age, parrots make the transition from babies to adults. they get a little more testy and hormonal during this time. if you set and keep rules, they will smooth out and return to their loving selves :)
Haha!! eh! eh! (nudges with elbow) So i'm guessing these other people never set the rules??
Sebastian is a peach faced. He is a very sweet boy. He lays on his back and kisses me. He's not very temperamental. But is only 5 months old. So very much a baby. In my opinion, birds are like dogs. If you raise them right you'll hae no problems. We have a pit bull. She's a wonderful dog, you'd think she was a lab. But I've read stories of pit bulls mangling people's faces. So, I think if you raise them to be great pets, they will be great pets. If you torment them, and they get bounced home to home, they will probably be nippy and vicious!
Honestly, I think there's more of a difference between male vs. female than there is between species. I've only personally owned a peach faced in the past, so I can't give much personal knowledge on any other species. However, from what I know about peach faced lovebirds, the females tend to be very feisty and hormonal once they hit maturity. Generally, once they start laying eggs, they become VERY cage aggressive and nippy. Obviously, these things can often be managed with careful training, but in general the males make more friendly pets.
Mine is a male. And I agree. My friend had one and I hated her! She was a mean lil bird! I agree with FutureDVM. Male and female have a stronger difference than species.
Ok thats nice to know lol! is there a way to visually sex a lovebird??
No, the only way to tell for sure is by doing a DNA test.
I honestly believe it's all in how they're raised. Like loribeth said, some animals have a negative reputation that is only so because their owners shouldn't have pets in the first place.

My dude Paco was hand-fed and handled daily since a baby. We don't react crazy when he nips, just simple reenforcement of the rules :) I prefer a bird that has it's own personality and lovies definitely have enough of that! As far as sex, I have also heard stories of females being the more aggressive of the two but have not personally seen it. I've seen mean males and sweet females. Just my 2 pennies.

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