First walk


New member
Oct 7, 2013
GCC - Chico
Senegal - Indy
I've been working here and there with harness training Indy. She only lets me get it about halfway on before she wants to freak out. The other day it was warm enough for a birdie walk so I decided to push through her freak out and get it all the way on. Either way I'd be fighting to get it out of her grip.
Once it was on, I took her right outside. She ignored the harness completely and became the sweetest, happiest bird ever. She showed no signs of aggression when my kids pet her and she chattered away as long as no strangers were nearby. One little boy wanted me to put her on the ground and walk her like a dog. Lol Getting the harness off afterwards was another fight but I think she just needs to get used to the process. Here's a pic of my happy girl.

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