first time


New member
Apr 25, 2013
IRN blue
out the cage.

Well Bobby seemed to really like being out the cage. Although we kinda tricked him to going back in... that won't work for too long though, he's so clever.

Any tips on getting a bird back when they don't want too?

But there is no screeching tonight. He's still hopping about and attacking his bell/mirror so I might take that out. Guess we'll see... And he's tired. I can see that too, not too sure at the moment if he's plucking his feathers out or if it's general moulting. I hope it's the latter. I would hate to think that the move has stressed him out so much that he turns to mutilation.

Will keep you all posted though.

He liked being out the cage, so the routine tomorrow will be after I've done my jobs, I'll let him out, around 4pm, hubby is home at 7pm, and then we'll prob try and get him to bed about 930.

What's the routines for everyone else?
I always give my alex a little treat like a nut or something whenever I put him back in his cage, unless it's meal time in which case his food is the treat (I always give him meals in his cage). He's always happy to go back in there.
Rich also loves being out and play outside her cage. Before I go to work in the morning I give her about 15minutes out while I am cleaning her cage and preparing her food and water. I keep the door always open, so whenever she likes going back in, she can. But if it's time for me to leave and she has not returned yet, I will make her step up on my finger and bring her in, of course my other hand holds either a toy or food for her, so she wont notice she would be locked again the whole daytime. At about 6pm I normally return home and from the gate, I can see from her reaction that she is waiting for me. She would make loud calls and is jumping all around the cage. That is the time she would enjoy being out for hours, normally until 10pm, or earlier if she is already tired and sleepy. I always bring her inside on my fingers but at nightime it is easier. I will just say good night while pointing inside her cage. Rich is 6 months old and is newly tamed.
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I think we may be trying to push him a little too much, so I'm just going to try and stick to the same routine every day. Get him used to just that.

:) thanks for answering me though. I really do want him to be happy.
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Yes, defo got to take a little longer. He didn't want to go back at all tonight, and although he got on his stick to go back in the cage, he hopped off right away, then flew towards the fire and eventually back to his cage. He's upset now though, making a different chunnering noise to himself. Even though we did give him some grapes when he went back in, he didn't touch them.

So, if he's going to be that difficult at present when we let him out. I think I might have to spend another few days getting him used to me being so close to him and putting my hands in the cage etc etc.

Learned a lot though, he likes his new cage, but spent more time down the back of it than anything else. We need to get it closer to the wall, or block it in, so he can't get around the back.

Need to remember he's scared still and we need to address that before anything else.

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