First molt


New member
Jun 2, 2019
green cheek conure
Hi everyone

So bash has started his first molt, so for what I have read conure can be very irritated during the period. Definated seems right I have been getting bitten constantly.

What does everyone do to help there conure through molting as for what I have read it can be itchy and uncomfortable for them :(. So just wonder if there any tips that would help bash through his first molt.

Thanks in advance

Elaine & bash :rainbow1:
Mine have been molting here as well. Extra baths seem to be key for us. I have two that really get irritable when new feathers start coming in and I just respect their space and try not to touch the areas with new pin feathers. I give extra baths or soakings with the spray bottle (for those that are okay with the spray bottle) and it seems to relieve some of the itchiness. Once head-scritches seem to be okay again, I help with the pin feathers on the head once it appears to be welcome :).

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