Firefighter Fiji


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Turquoise GCC - Fiji - Hatch Date: 8/14/12 and Yellow Sided GCC - Sundance - Hatch Date: 4/12/13
Fiji had a visit to his daddy's fire station!
firefightere fiji.jpg
Oh my gosh that is so stinking cute! Every time I see pictures of your baby I swear I am looking at Rory!! Lol!! Do you know if Fiji is a boy or girl?
He is so cute with this firefighter hat:)
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Thanks! We don't know FOR SURE if he is a boy or a girl, but his breeder thought he seemed like a boy. I would like to get him tested one of these days. Maybe i will have the vet do it. We are getting ANOTHER GCC from the same breeder next saturday!!!!! Since the new bird will be getting tested, it would be a good time for both to have a DNA test. I am hoping to end up with 2 males. stay tuned!
Thanks! We don't know FOR SURE if he is a boy or a girl, but his breeder thought he seemed like a boy. I would like to get him tested one of these days. Maybe i will have the vet do it. We are getting ANOTHER GCC from the same breeder next saturday!!!!! Since the new bird will be getting tested, it would be a good time for both to have a DNA test. I am hoping to end up with 2 males. stay tuned!

Congrats on getting a new bird, are you getting the turquoise mutation again or just a regular green cheek?
Very cute picture. I also would like to know what color of gcc are you getting?:)

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