FIP/Feline Infectious Peritonitis


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
Hi all. A good friend of mine's kitty has been diagnosed with FIP/Feline Infectious Peritonitis and she has asked if I could ask any of my vet-y friends what they thought about this and if there is anything that could be mistaken for. So I'm asking around and I thought I'd throw it out here too incase someone has had their kitty ill with this too.

Her kitty is in isolation at the moment and they're waiting on phonecalls about him. They're just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this and if it's possibly something else that's been mistaken for FIP?

Open to all suggestions and whatnot.

Cheers all.
I recently lost my cat to this, they said at the stage he was at it was either two things, FIP or a very bad tumour in his gut and either way it was terminal.

What happened was, his belly bloated up, full with this fluid, they took a sample of the fluid and found it to be high in protein so thats why they couldn't just drain it. They drained 100mls of it, and he was still bloated right up, and the wound just kept seeping the fluid everywhere, our other cats were at very high risk then.

They explained he had it since a kitten no doubt, but it's only flared up this later on in life from a stress or trauma, he had in fact broken his leg 2 months prior to getting the FIP symptoms. He was put to sleep after 1 week of diagnosis, he became wobbly, lethargic and just plain uncomfortable. They did try treat him with steroids and diuretics, but no hope :(

If the cat does not have any of the troublesome symptoms yet that is good, they can watch her diet, and insure she stays hydrated, but if she has the bloatedness, wobbling around and fatigue I hate to say the best she can do is make her comfortable as symptoms seem to speed up once diagnosed. :(

Sorry to hear she has got a definite diagnosis of FIP, it was a very shocking time for me and my mum! I send my best wishes!
Oh yeh, do they know what kind he has, if it's the "WET" Effusive kind that is bad, and thats the speedier one that kills quickly once diagnosed.

If it's the dry kind of FIP the vets should have ways to manage the cats health, there is no treatment for it... just ways to make the cat comfortable. well... thats what they said to us about Mog :(
we had a barn cat diagnosised, they recomended putting all the barn cats down because it was so contagious, the other cats didnt show any signs, so we didnt and they led a long life~ does you friend have any other cats?
We are always getting cats dropped off at the barn with notes, food, ect...
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My friend has 2 other kitties aswell but as far as I'm aware they seem fine at the moment. Apparently it affects kittens more often than adults and as they're both 5 they may have gotten away with not getting it.

Her cat hasn't been 'officially' diagnosed as they're still running tests as far as I'm aware, but it's been said that that's what they think her cat has. He's had diarrhoea and just not 'been himself'. From what my friend said I think he has the 'dry' version too. She's obviously devastated about all this.

Triordan, how did your barn cat handle it/what happened?

Will probably link her this page so she can read what you guys have put.

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