Finn Speaks :)

Bright Star

New member
May 28, 2011
Keats (budgie) born Feb. 18, 2011, and Raphael (budgie) adopted July 3, 2011. Finn, a Brown-Head Poicephalus, born January 4, 2010, has also joined the family!
Finn has been with us now for a full month. When I picked him up, I was told he could say 'Hi' and 'Come here,' as well as 'Step up.' He hadn't used any of his human words since coming to us, but I heard a distinct 'Hi,' in my tone of voice on Friday. I was thrilled! I'm taking it as a sign that he's settling in well :)
that's great! Geordie was saying all sort of things last night in the tone he uses for "human" but I have no idea what. All I can recognize is "step up" and the rest sounds like sophisticated english mumblings-- entertaining if nothing else :)
well done finn, nut seems to say bye bye most clearly, and the one swear word on occassions, but when she says bye bye its really sad, cos she'll turn her back to us an say it
Congrats it is definitely a sign, just keep talking and talking, many surprises in store for you......
When they begin to put words together, the fun begins, enjoy these precious moments
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well done finn, nut seems to say bye bye most clearly, and the one swear word on occassions, but when she says bye bye its really sad, cos she'll turn her back to us an say it

Oh, poor nut, she must miss you when you go :)
well done finn, nut seems to say bye bye most clearly, and the one swear word on occassions, but when she says bye bye its really sad, cos she'll turn her back to us an say it

awwww! any way you can get that on tape?
well done finn, nut seems to say bye bye most clearly, and the one swear word on occassions, but when she says bye bye its really sad, cos she'll turn her back to us an say it

That is too funny. My little Cassie is my first larger parrot and oh she seems to use logic to figure out how to get my attention. lol. They seem so smart. I've never known any of my cockatiels or parakeets that I've had over the years to think anything like Cassie and the other Senegal parrots I've heard of. I love it!

Cassie is 10 months old now. The only thing I she says fairly clear is "I love you" or just "love you" so far but I hope she'll talk more as gets older. I think she's trying but she isn't talking too clear yet.

---- Kimberley
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I thought I heard another word this morning, but couldn't quite make it out. Definitely 2 syllables...Whooot! Finn doesn't have to speak to be part of this family, but I think it's cool that he is starting to :)
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Way to go Finn!

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