Finger friendly beck pressure howto?


Jul 21, 2013
Montreal, Canada
Barankin (2006 - 2013)- peachface lovebird
Tihan - Yellow naped amazon (6+ years)

I was woundering how to teach a parrot to have adecuate pressure on the beack.

When I "preen" his feathers, he will always hold one of my fingers in his beack and when it feels too good, he will put some pressure, which hurts sometimes.

I was woundering how to correct that behaviour.

I was taking my finger off his beack and say something like 'no', but he does not get it.
Can't help you with teaching your bird different pressure techniques, but it sounds like it might need its nails can get the bird to trim its nails automatically, by simply installing a manicure perch next to a food or water dish.....

Something like this & there are several different brands available, will keep their nails & beaks trimmed nicely.....notice that the smooth sides are turned up 7 down while the rough faces are positioned to the sides.....perches that are rough all over can bother a bird's feet & even abrade them.....

Good luck.....
It's pretty easy, and you don't have to do much. The bird knows if he's hurting you by a "no" or stopping everything for a few and starting afresh. He will figure it out, he doesn't want to hurt you. One thing I've found that helps (me) is to offer the "webbing" between your thumb and forefinger if he wants to beak your skin. It hurts you less and he'll learn what acceptable pressure is on his own. :)
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nah... I do him manicure, his beak and nais aren't sharp, it's the pressure that's disturbing.
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> to offer the "webbing" between your thumb and forefinger if he wants to beak your skin

Hum... I'm not sure to understeand what you mean, can u explain / send a picture?


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