finding out the sex of my love birds


New member
Jul 8, 2013
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Hi all im new to the site and was wondering if anyone may be able to tell me how to determain the sex of my love birds ?? i was told if you use the tip of your pinky finger and feel the the gap between there legs that the females will have a larger gap ( for laying there eggs i guess ) any info would be great as i would like to put leg rings on them so i can keep track on who has paired up with who.

You use your index finger! BUT that's not always accurate, it depends if they have fully matured! IF they're full adults, yes this method works!
Thsnks for that. Is there any way I can tell with young ones ?
welcome to the forum....

the only way you will know 100% is to get a dna test done.
some do a pelvic exam but that is not always accurate. Personally I have no clue what to feel for, I have tried before, and didn't feel comfortable doing it.

You feel the pelvic bones if together its a male if separated and you can place your index finger in between then it's a girl.

Poster, no unfortunately you can't with a youngster unless you DNA sex them!

You feel the pelvic bones if together its a male if separated and you can place your index finger in between then it's a girl.

Poster, no unfortunately you can't with a youngster unless you DNA sex them!

I know Mikey, but it just creeps me out, I can't explain it.
well, DNA will be the best way. feeling the the gap between there legs is the 2nd best way, a pet store keeper thought me how to do that :P
yeah that how i got taught by feeling the gap and so far i have been right as they have already paired up :D
I've seen two females pair up and lay eggs together! But usually it's pairing between sexes.
Give the lovebird a piece of paper.

If the lovebirds cuts the paper up, and sticks pieces of the paper in it's tail feathers, it's a female.
Give the lovebird a piece of paper.

If the lovebirds cuts the paper up, and sticks pieces of the paper in it's tail feathers, it's a female.

When I used to breed them only females stuff their tails but it was mentioned on here awhile back that some males do it too...never seen it before so I can't confirm that....
there is no 100% way except DNA sexing though the feeling of pelvic bones works pretty well in adults and most males are smaller and stand with feet closer together. And my male lovebird in one of my pairs tries to tuck the paper but is awful at it and never succeeds where my female is a pro :)

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