I have a mixed colony; Gouldians, Owls, and Red-head parrot finches. 2 of each, all males. Started off fine, no squabbles at all, multiple feeders/waters, toys, etc. Then, one of the Red-heads began to bully the Gouldians and Owls (more so the Gouldians, one in particular), to the point of lock-ups to the cage floor. Fearing for their safety, I removed the Red-head. Also worried about the non-bully Red-head now alone. The bully is in a smaller cage right next to the indoor aviary so everyone can still see each other. Specific info via the internet has been difficult to come by, hence this post. Trying to figure out my options.
1. Leave him in the separation cage for a certain amount of time and reintroduce?
2. Rehome him? If so, adopt another Red-head for the other?
3. Other ideas/suggestions from PF members
Thank you
I have a mixed colony; Gouldians, Owls, and Red-head parrot finches. 2 of each, all males. Started off fine, no squabbles at all, multiple feeders/waters, toys, etc. Then, one of the Red-heads began to bully the Gouldians and Owls (more so the Gouldians, one in particular), to the point of lock-ups to the cage floor. Fearing for their safety, I removed the Red-head. Also worried about the non-bully Red-head now alone. The bully is in a smaller cage right next to the indoor aviary so everyone can still see each other. Specific info via the internet has been difficult to come by, hence this post. Trying to figure out my options.
1. Leave him in the separation cage for a certain amount of time and reintroduce?
2. Rehome him? If so, adopt another Red-head for the other?
3. Other ideas/suggestions from PF members
Thank you